chapter 9

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November 6 (saturday)

        "We'll that's something I thought I'd never actually see." Draco yelled, laughing. I opened my eyes slowly, adjusting to the bright sunlight. There was another body directly in front of me, laying on his back. I could make out the chestnut hair and facial features. Holy shit! Theo Nott? I shot my head up and watched him bounce up too. Why the hell am I in Theo and Draco's dorm? Fuck, did we hook up again? "She was drunk and something happened. Nothing sexual between us so shut it." Theo snapped. He was in a bad mood. Something happened? I was drunk? What the fuck happened? "What happened? Why am I here then?" I asked frantically. Theo had gotten up and was standing next to Draco.

        "Malfoy, can you go? I have to talk to Riddle." Theo asked. He was more so telling him to leave. Draco said bye and headed out the door. "I just wanted to make sure you were safe." Theo started. I stood up due to feeling awkward in that bed. He explained everything that happened from seeing me and Noah going upstairs with me almost blackout drunk to him assaulting me.

        Noah Hock raped me. And I had no idea. My whole body went numb, I felt like I was going to pass out. "How long? How long did he do it?" I asked. I could barely stand up. "He left those, otherwise I don't think it was long. Only thirty seconds at the most." Theo looked emotionless too. Fucking shit.

I was raped last night.

        My eyes burnt with tears but I didn't let them fall. What am I supposed to do? Theo pointed at my neck and I felt my skin. What did he do? I walked around to the bathroom and stared at my neck in the mirror. I had dark hickies lining my throat and down to my collarbone.

        The tears spilled down my cheeks. Fuck. I feel sick. "It's ok. No one's going to touch you again. I'll make sure of it." I saw Theo come up behind me in the mirror. I slid my hand down my neck and just stared at the bruises. Theo stood behind and watched me. "Thank you." I softly spoke, my skin burning with heat. "I think I'm going to be sick." I blurted, the overwhelming feeling of throw up taking over me.

        I rushed to the toilet and threw open the lid. I barely made it. I gagged and held onto the edge for dear life.


        She was throwing up. I wish none of this happened to begin with. I bent down and gathered her hair in my hands, trying to help the best I could. I have no idea how to comfort a sick or hurt girl, much less a girl in general. I switched to one hand of hair and started to rub her back lightly. I didn't want to overwhelm her.

        After a minute or so Ry got up and wiped her face with water. She just silently looked up at me, her eyes watery. Then, she was sobbing. I did exactly what I've seen other people do with crying people, I stepped forward and put my arms around her shoulders, holding her to my chest. She squeezed herself as close to me as she could and continued to cry, shaking violently. Could she even breathe? This is when I need my mother. More like she needs my mother. I stayed quiet while she cried, making sure not to bother her.

        I could've prevented this. If I would've just stayed with Ry at the party or followed upstairs sooner. Maybe if I would've been more weirdly protective over her going upstairs with Noah Hock.

        She finally stepped back and looked at me, her eyes red and puffy now. "Thank you again. For saving me and everything." She said, her voice breaking. "Yeah." I said plainly. Fuck. That was the worst fucking response. Who says yeah to that?
"I should go find Laney. She's probably wondering where I disappeared off to." She said, wiping her face and patting it with her hand. Then she was gone. I couldn't even say another word to her.


        I cried, no- I broke down, in front of Theo Nott. I got raped by Noah Hock. I can't even process it still. How could I be so idiotic to get myself in that situation?

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