chapter 35

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August 30, 1997 (tuesday) 

       The first day of our last year at Hogwarts. Well at least move in day. My only thoughts are about seeing Blaise and Laney again.

       We have to pretend we didn't all spend the summer together somehow.

       A quick update on the home world first. Tom moved into his own house and we moved with him. We meaning Mattheo and I.
       All three of us stopped speaking to Bellsy, Gor, and Kell by choice and only do when required. Draco, Enzo, and Theo all went back to their own homes about a week ago to prepare for the school year. We're very specifically instructed to keep notes on Harry, Ron, and Hermione

       Enzo's birthday is on Thursday too so that's exciting. At least he'll make it to eighteen.

       I walked onto the platform with Mattheo and Tom, as Tom was dropping us off to leave. I had my trunk and bags in each hand and searched for my friends around the area. Someone has to be here.

       "Ry!" I heard someone yell, being greeted by arms wrapped around my neck from the side. A head of blonde hair was in my face as she hugged me tightly.

       "I've missed you so so much! I can't believe you couldn't hang out at all this summer. Mattheo! You too, you guys didn't need to be so busy!" Laney was laughing and smiling, clueless to the horrors we've gone through.

       I smiled back, starting the act of 'normal life'.

       "Blame our family, not us." Mattheo said, already greeting Blaise. "I have so much to tell you. You have to tell me everything you did this summer." Laney continued, bouncing around on the platform. Tom said bye to us and left since we were with friends now.

       "Malfoy! This might be the first summer you and Blaise haven't been together every other week." Laney started again as the bleach blonde approached us.

       "I was busy." Of course he's back to his normal stone cold lifestyle.

       We all talked as the platform got more full by the minute, first years crying because they're nervous and all. I saw Mr. And Mrs. Berkshire first, then Enzo behind them.

       "Enzo!" I shouted to get his attention. He looked around for a moment and found our group.

       "What are you doing?" Laney whispered, staring at me like I was insane. "We're cool with him now. At least Mattheo, Theo, and I. Enzo stayed at the manor the whole summer and Theo stayed the second half."

      I explained quietly, stopping at the tall brunette's arrival.

       "How's it been?" Enzo asked, Blaise and Laney taking turns looking at him weird.

       "Summer is summer." Draco answered in a dull tone. He lies so easily, hiding the fact that him and Enzo are friends now. People started to board the train and Laney suggested we save seats.

        "Where's your boyfriend? I'm waiting to beat his ass for blowing off all of our summer quidditch practices." Blaise asked me, looking around.

       Where is Theo?

        I haven't seen him since he left the manor. Please tell me he's still coming. We all walked down the aisles of the train until we found an empty back Slytherin compartment.

       Laney sat by the window, then me and Draco. The opposite side from window to door went Blaise, Mattheo, and Enzo.

       The aisles were starting to become more open as the train filled. Still no Theo though.

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