chapter 15

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December 3, 1996 (Friday)

       Tonight is going to be my first party since what happened. I don't plan on drinking even a single drop of alcohol. Unfortunately it's in the Ravenclaw room, but I think I can avoid Noah.

       I think as long as I don't talk to him I'll be fine. Or touch him. And with the body with me I'm sure I'll be ok. Theo, Draco, and I all decided we'd go together and meet the rest of the group there.

        I was walking directly between them as we entered the common room. I don't even think either of them noticed how close I was. We practically brushed arms on both sides.

       I looked around the room, seeing tons of people drinking, dancing, and just talking. The music was somewhat loud and the lights were lower than normal.

       And there's Luna Lovegood, I haven't seen her for a while. I need to talk to her again soon.

        I froze in my steps.

       The blonde haired boy stood out. He still has some bruises around his upper cheek I can tell. Fear washed over my entire body.

        I couldn't move, I couldn't speak.

        I didn't think it'd be so bad to see him. It's been a month since it happened, I should be ok.

        "I sure hope this isn't another shitty party. We could always just go back to the Slytherin room." Draco talked out loud, not to anyone in particular.

       Theo stopped a step in front of me, seeing that I paused. Draco just now caught up next to me. Theo looked confused then followed my stare. He visibly tensed up and looked angry. Draco noticed too and looked at us both.

       "I'm going to kill him this time." Theo groaned, clenching his fists at his sides. That snapped me out of my trance.

        "It's fine. Everything's fine." I was coaxing Theo at this point. His eyes met mine and he calmed down. Nothing needs to happen right now.

         "Cool it, dude. We aren't causing a scene."  Draco snapped at him, causing him to scoff and walk away.

        Theo stayed at my side for the rest of the night. I moved, he moved. He even came with me to the bathroom and stayed outside the door. Like a little guard dog.

         Eventually we got drug into a Never Have I Ever game. And guess who showed up right after. Noah, West, and Jasmine.

I wonder if they know.

       I sat in the center of a couch with Draco and Theo on either side of me. I had a cup of water while everyone else had alcohol. Other than Theo, which he never drinks so that's normal.

       Mattheo was in a chair on the other side of Draco and kept checking on me with his eyes. I've never sat so tense until right now.

        "Never have I ever slept with anyone in this game." Pansy said. Laney, Theo, Noah, Blaise, Jasmine, and I all drank.

       Noah looked dead at me while he took his sip. I swear to god if he's talking about me.

        "Never have I ever kissed Miss Riddle." Miss Riddle? Really? And why the fuck are these centered around me? Noah and Theo both took a sip of their drinks.

        Theo glared at him the whole gulp. Noah has some sort of fucked up plan I can tell. It made me want to die right there. I'd rather have someone crucio me than this.

        Mattheo and Laney had matching glares towards Noah and his group. "Never have I ever slept with a Slytherin girl in this game." Noah asked.

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