chapter 14

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NOVEMBER 24, 1996 (wednesday)

I left Astoria a note today. I owled it to her during lunch so she'd see the message. I told her to meet me in the room of requirement after the last class of the day. I had no doubts she'd show up, I mean she's never ditched before.

I stood in the room, waiting for her arrival. Any minute now. I heard the door creek open and saw her, wearing her Slytherin robes like usual. Except this time I didn't want to have sex with her.

"I've missed you the last few days. I've seen you around that Riddle girl recently instead of in classes." It's been two days of me skipping with Ry, yesterday and today. And we weren't even together the whole day. We took bathroom breaks or switched dorms to hang out in.

"Yeah, I am spending time with her." Astoria stepped closer to me and started to lean in towards my face. I stepped back.

"What's wrong? You just need a break from that whore and we can get back to where we left off." She stepped towards me again, trying to kiss me.

"Don't call her a fucking whore! Do you hear me?" I stepped closer to her now, yelling in her face. I don't know why it triggered me. I just can't stand her calling Ry names. If anything she's the whore, sleeping with a guy older than her.

"She is, isn't she? That whole argument between you two? That was because you guys were fucking each other and she was jealous of us." Astoria pressured, not backing up. "You're crazy. We aren't fucking and no one's jealous of you." Astoria smiled,

"Everyone knows Riddle is a hoe. I'm sure it wasn't about that."

"Don't fucking call her that again!" I yelled at her again, pointing my wand at her throat. "It's hot when you're defensive. Come on, we can go to my dorm." Astoria spun around and giggled, going to the door.

"Fuck yourself. I'm not interested."
"You were pretty damn interested the past few weeks." I shook my head. I don't know why I ever gave her the confidence for this shit.

"My priorities changed. I'd rather spend my time on other things." Even her sister Daphne would've been better than her. "You're an asshole. Just go fuck Ry some more." She doesn't need to know I already did. "We agreed this would mean nothing to either of us. You don't have the right to be mad." I told her, pushing past her and opening the door. I don't care what else she has to say.

I left her in the room of requirement. I don't think about other girls anymore. Not since I started talking to Ry again. I used to picture what it would be like to duck every single girl I see. Now I don't care.

I used to see if they had big boobs or a thick ass, and make jokes about it. All I can fucking think about is Ry. I see every other girl as just a girl. As another person.

All I care about is Ry Riddle. I want to know who she's with or what she's doing. Even now when I'm constantly with her I think about it. Even when she's sitting next to me. I don't think of her sexually anymore, it's more if she's ok.

I mean of course I think of sex still, I get horny or turned on. I'm a teenage boy. It's not the same anymore though. I need to make sure she's happy and safe.

        Last night she came to dinner but didn't talk. Today she came to breakfast but didn't talk again. We went to lunch with everyone but she was still quiet. During the day when we hang out, she talks when I prompt her.

        Today she actually started to talk freely again. I don't know why I haven't been closer to her earlier, she's actually nice company.

        I can admit to only myself that I'm a bit jealous of Draco and Ry's friendship. They're close and I want to be that.

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