chapter 16

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December 6, 1996 (monday)

        I've spent a lot of time in Theo and Draco's dorm now. And a lot more time with them. I'm sure by now everyone a lot of people know about Noah raping me.

        Draco is staying in Mattheo and Blaise's dorm tonight for some reason so Theo and I are alone.

        I was changing in their bathroom from my skirt, tights, sweater, and remaining uniform of the day to a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt. I walked out of the bathroom to find Theo standing over his dresser drawer, looking through his clothes. He was shirtless and only wearing the slacks of his uniform. His white button up shirt was laying on the chair next to his dresser.

        And holy shit, his muscles were on point. Yeah, yeah, I keep saying he's always been hot but like damn. I've never seen him shirtless. His back even has defined muscles.

        "You could literally wear any of the shirts in your drawer." I told him, coming up next to him to take a look. Theo turned when he noticed my presence and our faces were super close together. His arm brushed against mine in the process of him moving.

        My face relaxed and our eyes focused on each other. I zoned out staring into them, the pale teal reflecting the small amount of light.

What am I doing?

       I cleared my throat and we both snapped out of it. "So do you have any suggestions then?" He asked, stepping off to the side to let me look.

        I sorted through the folded shirts and pulled out a black t-shirt with muggle Paris written across the front in bold font. "Really? I don't know about it..." Theo said sarcastically, grinning to himself. I held it up to his chest and pretended to look closer.

        "Yes, put it on." Theo took the shirt and lifted his arms to slide it over his head. His muscles flexed with the movement.

        I was not kidding when I said he had a hot body too. "You look good enough, been better though." Theo smoothed out the fabric and scanned my own outfit. "You've looked better but I don't say anything."

       I forced a pout, "Aw... you're showing your soft side again." His face showed it all. "I don't have a 'soft side'. Not even for you, Miss Riddlette."

       I don't care if he admits it or not. "You don't have to admit it. I know you're going soft for me and it's not your fault I make you weak."

        "You don't. I'm as normal as ever." I narrowed my eyes at him, "The Theodore Nott I met on the train was different. It's ok, really." Theo pushed me to the side lightly, making us both laugh. He knows he's soft and he can't even fully deny it.

December 10, 1996 (Friday)

       So, Theo and I may or may not be flirting. I honestly don't know.

       At first it was just small comments and actions but now it's more constant. Maybe it's just Theo going back to how he used to act, flirting with any girl with a pulse.

But I can't help but flirt back.

        It's an instinct to react the same way. I almost think it's just his personality and he's not even trying to be flirty because it's me.

       We all sat down at our normal section of the dining hall table. From right to left it's Draco, me; Laney, then Blaise. Across from us the same direction is Pansy, Mattheo, and Theo. Blaise had no one across from him.

        We all were eating and talking, everyone adding into the same large one. I kept seeing Theo glancing over at me out of the corner of my eye. Then I realized I was doing the same thing, sneaking looks across the table.

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