chapter 31

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July 27, 1997 (wednesday)

"Are you sure you're feeling better?" Tom asked me, handing me one of my bags.

"Yes. I feel a lot better. It was just some cold I think." I lied, excitement filling my body.

I have plans to stay with the Nott family for a week. I'm tired as shit, but I'm convinced being with Theo will allow me to get the sleep I desperately need. I think he'll stop the nightmares again.

I said my goodbyes and used the floo channel to get to the Nott house. Mattheo offered to drop me off, but I decided I'd go alone. The floo channel requires nothing from me basically, so I can manage.

I stepped out into a large foyer, adjusting to the bright wallpapered walls.

"Hi, you must be Ry." A tall, dark haired man came in, followed by an older boy. The boy was probably around twenty or so. Older than Tom for sure.

The man though, shit. He's been at the death eater meetings.

I swear.

Mr. Nott is a death eater?

What the hell?

He's very loyal to my father as well. The man stared at me for a moment. He recognizes me too.

There was a creak of steps and I turned to see Theo coming down a large staircase.


He smiled as he started to run towards me, opening his arms. I opened mine and closed the space between us, letting him wrap his arms around my waist. He lifted me off the floor and squeezed me, shaking me a bit.

"I missed you a lot." I whispered into his hair, not wanting him to let me go. "Me too. Fuck, I'm happy to see you." He told me, setting me down and kissing me.

The older boy looked a lot like Theo, just simply older.

"Oh, hey. You're the famous girlfriend huh?" He sounds similar to Theo too. A brother? "That's me, famous..." I gave Theo a look and turned back to the boy.

"This is Alex, my brother. That's my dad, Tiberius." Theo gave me an introduction and I offered my hand to his brother.

"Nice to meet you."

When I turned to his father, I gulped. I made sure to hold up my left hand, taking his in mine. I stared directly into his eyes, gripping his hand.

"Nice to meet you, Ry. Part of the Riddle family, right?" He smiled, looking down to my left arm.

My sleeve covered the mark so no one could see. We both knew what lay under though.

"Yeah, my father was the Dark Lord." I can act clueless too, asshole.

Tiberius instructed Theo to take me upstairs and get comfortable. Theo told me that I had the choice of staying in his room or staying in a guest room. I picked his room obviously.


I followed Theo into a lit bedroom, the walls a pale blue and the sheets on the bed all a dark grey. All his furniture was a soft brown oak except for his huge metal bed frame. A king bed, not surprised at all.

I've heard stories on how the Nott family is rich. They even have more money than the Riddles I think.

"Oh my god. You didn't." I half mumbled. I walked across the room to see a framed live photo on his nightstand.

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