chapter 26

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April 8, 1997 (friday)

        Mattheo told me we had to have some private sibling meeting about our family. Something about our uncle and aunt and our father. He's making me go to the room of requirement to meet up with Tom too.

        "Why do we need a meeting in secret? Is it bad?" I asked Mattheo as we rushed through the halls.

       "Tom heard something about our father." I was worried. We never have these types of talks. Mattheo led me into the secret room and I saw Tom standing next to a large cabinet. It was old looking, but freshly cleaned.

       "Get on with it! What's wrong?" I demanded, feeling anxious.

       "I'm sorry in advance. But nothing's wrong." Tom said quickly, flinching in advance.

What? Why's he sorry?

       We continued to weave around the tall stacks of random boxes and objects in the room.

       There was a huge tall cabinet in the middle of an open area of them room. That's the one thing in here that actually looks clean and used. That's weird. The cabinet door creaked open and Tom moved towards me and Mattheo.

        "That's sick. And you fixed it all by yourself?" Theo's voice echoed into the room. Draco and Theo crawled out of the cabinet, standing up on the floor.

Where did they come from?

       "Yeah, I've been working on it all year." What the hell? I froze and turned to my twin brother.

       Mattheo mouthed 'I'm sorry' and started to back up. Why is he backing up?

       "Oh hey, Riddlette." Draco stated, acting surprised.

        Theo froze and exchanged a look with Draco and I. "Now, guys!" Tom yelled, taking off running. Draco and Mattheo were right behind him.

        "Fix your damn problems. Just fucking talk to each other!" Draco yelled, starting to shut the door. Theo and I were both in too much of a shock to move.

        "Hey! What the fuck!" Theo yelled back. I stood with my mouth open, processing what was going on. I'll shoot them with something.

        "We'll be back in the morning. There's blankets and pillows in the corner." Mattheo explained quickly. He held up a long dark stick. It looked a lot like my wand.

        "Hey!" I reached for my wand in my pocket and felt it empty. He took my wand! "I want to see my best friends reunite again!" Draco yelled as the door shut. I heard it click as it locked.

You've got to be kidding me.

         Theo was patting his pants and shirt pocket. They took his wand too.


        How could they just lock us in here? I'm going to kill them when we get out.

        "Did you know about this?" I asked, turning to Theo. He better not have thought this was the best plan to talk to me. "No. I had no idea. Draco was showing me the vanishing cabinet he fixed up. We came from Borgin and Burkes."

We were both set up.


        "Me neither."

       We sat in silence for a while. Neither of us really want to be in this situation. It's been almost a month since we stopped talking.

        "How have you been recently?" Theo asked, making small talk.

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