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"Yaridia...will you marry me?"

My heart skipped a beat at the sight in front of me.My Harry on one knee...proposing. I looked in to his green eyes and smiled.I nodden my head "Yes, its a yes!". He took the ring out of the red square box and took my hand and place the diamond ring on my ring finger. I couldn't keep in my excitement ,I bursted out in tears, just as everyone came up on the stage to congratulate us.

The world started spinning, I began to sway."Aileen? Aileen?! Shit Harry do something,she's going to faint!"Melanie's shout was the last thing I heard before I fell into a abyss of darkness.  

I woke too see two mezmerizing green eyes look at me worriedly.I had notcied I was on somthing comfy. I looked arownd my surroundings , it looked like a hotel room."Ha-Harry were are we?Ow my head."He let out a deep chuckle followed by a look of sympathy."We're back in the hotel, the one we are all staying in?"

"Oh yeah right ,my memory is a little blurry.What happend?"I asked the angel standing above me.

"Look at your hand."I obeyed , at first I was confused then I saw the ring on my finger.I gasped in surprise, my memory started flooding back.

"OHMYGOSH, Harry I'm so sorry.You proposed so romantically and I ruined it by fainting in front of everyone! " I shameful buried my face in my hands.Harry's hand grabbed mine and pulled them away from my face.He cupped my chin "You didn't ruin anything ok?All that matters is that you and I are going to be together for ever my lovely. "I gave him a weak smile, my head was killing me! Harry laid next to me and began to hum and stroke my hair.


"Zayn, you awake? Zaaaayynn.....ZAYN WAKE UP DAMN IT!"

"OW! WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR?" I opened my eyes and saw freakin' Niall smirking at me.

I looked arownd to see what he through at me."It was a pillow if you wondering." he was know laughing uncontrollably.

"Stop laughing you bloody idiot I was sleeping! And I was having a good dream too, I was about to get Megan Fox's number." I pouted. He rolled his eyes "I need your help."

I looked at him and raised my eyebrows."What for?" Niall took a deep breath and said"I wana ask her out but I don't know how...."


"MELANIE! So will you help me?" he looked at the wall and blushed.I startes to crack up, it was a mean thing to do to my mate but I couldn't help it! The fact that he didn't know how to ask out a girl was absolutely adorable. "It was a bloody mistake asking you.Fuckin' arse."

Shit I reeelly pissed him of this time.

"No, Niall wait I'll help you lad. But you have to do everything I say, got it?" His face automatically lit up."Ok! So what do I do?"he asked enthusiastically." I gave him a small grin.


Why is everyone still asleep?!

Gisselle is going to be here any minute now and so far the only people awake are Kaylee, Louis and I.Well Harry's awake too,but he went to check on Aileen in the other room, and knowing him he probably fell asleep.I turned to face Kaylee but she was kissing up a storm with Louis. "Eeewww get a freakin, room!"I laughed.

Kay blushed and Louis said I ruined the moment for him.I stuck my tongue out at him and giggled.Harry and Aileen came into the room.They both took a seat on the couch."How you are you doing Aileen?" both Kay and I asked at the same time."Fine just a small headache."she mumbled.

"Alright stop pestering Mrs. Styles." Harry laughed.

"Not yet shes not, and do you know if the boys are up yet Gisselle just texted me.She said that she's 20 min.away from here!" "Well Niall went in to Zayns room about 10min. ago.He was going to ask him something.He said it was important."

My heart sank, I really liked Niall but I doubt he likes me back.I hoped he didn't go gay and has a crush on Zayn!

"What about Liam? "I asked. He's still sleeping , he couldn't sleep last night. He was worried about me cause I was freaking out about Aileen passing out and all." he pushed her playfully.Zayn finally walked out of his room with a huge grin on his face and Niall followed with a similar smile. I felt a hint of jealousy.



My eyes fluttered open.I'm going crazy, this is the third time I've had the dream were I'm dating Gisselle but she's afraid of me and I don't know why. I don't even know her ,yet I feel like I love her.

Slowly I got up and ran my hand through my messy hair.I took a quick shower and got dressed.

"Liam get uuupp! Its a quarter past 1!" Zayn was up already?! Wow he must be hungry. I chuckled to my self and walked out of my room. "Good afternoon everyone thanks for waking me up at 10 a.m. like I asked.Hows Aileen doing......" my voice trailed off.My eyes widened for I had discovered the reason why Zayn was up.The new backup singer was standing in the hotel kitchen smiling right at me.......Gisselle.

Life Behind The Stage- a One Direction fanfic  COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now