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Ok I have the waffles, eggs, bacon...what am I missing?


Now I have the perfect breakfast, this should put them in a good mood! Hopefully.


That reminds me I miss Molly.I should get another cat for my self....I mean for Aileen and me.

"You made this for me!? AWW BOOBEAR YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE!"Louis tackled me locking me in a iron hug.

"FOOOOOOOOOOODDD!"Melanie came in screaming the medicine was still making her wack. Gisselle came in followed by Liam. He gave her a hug and kiss.It was nice seeing the daddy directioner happy.Niall looked so exited.

I wonder why?

Kay and Aileen were talking nonstop. 

"Harry, what did you do."Liam asked the moment he saw the food on the table.I rarely cook, so it usually means I did something bad when I do cook.

"Nothing! Can't I make a delish breakfast for my friends and wife?"

"Bullshit, Harold Edward Styles what did you do."Zayn was the one to ask this time.Were the hell did he come from!?

"Nothing.let me eat in peace. "I did the worst fake laugh ever.

"Harry spill it now."

"Not you to Aileen! Anyone else wanna team up against me." I looked around the table.

"Why is my waffle in the shape of a square, I like it when they're circles."Melz frowned poking them with her fork.I started to laugh and soon everyone was laughing with me."Ok i'll tell you."I took a deep breath and explained. "Simon said we have to go to a interview in america and we'll be gone for like a week and.....the girls can't come."No one said a word.

"WHAT?!NO YOU'RE JOKING RIGHT, BUT I WAS GOING TO ASK....I MEAN DO SOMETHING THIS WEEK!"Niall looked close to tears.I should slap Simon across the face for this, now I look like a arse making everyone upset.

"Hey ,at lest we can Skype each other right?"Gisselle was trying her best to cheer them up.She was replied with nodes of agreement."But I broke my phone...and I can't find my laptop."Aileen commented.

"How did it break?"I asked.She started to giggle "Lou feel and his big butt crushed it."I turned to look at Louis who was blushing and looking at his plate.

"Excuse my iron bum."he said in a high pitch voice, causing me to laugh uncontrollably."TADA!"Lou shouted tossing a box at Aileen."I felt bad, so I got Paul to take me to the mall! I picked it out, I hope you like it."Aileen slowly opened the box and reviled a new white iPhone 4. She smiled and ran up to give him a hug.

"Did you pay for it."Kay spoke to Louis for the first time all morning.All eyes were on her and Louis."Uumm yeah."Lou looked as stunned as us,Kaylee hasn't talked to Louis sense the brake up.She smiled"That was very sweet of you Lou." No one said a word.

"Did you just call me Lou?"He whispered looking like he was going to cry.It hurt to see my best friend feel so much pain.Lasts night he told me how his life felt empty with out her and how much he loves her."What?" Kaylee didn't hear what he had said, I was the only one who heard it."Nothing.I'm trying to he umm nicer cause i've been a arse to everyone lately.Sorry guys."Louis was attacked with hugs, except from Kay who stayed seated.Liam's phone vibrated, he answered it.

"Hello?......right now!.....Ok.....yes I understand.......I'll tell them.....bye Simon."He hung up and looked at us."We have to leave today the interview was moved earlier. Sorry girls we love you guys but we have to go."He was talking to all of us but he never looked away from Gisselle."Simon said to spend the rest of today having fun and hanging with the girls...its 9:07 so we have 7 hours.Are flight leaves at 3 in the afternoon."


I feel so alone, everyone had someone to hang out with except me.Niall was with Melz , Liam was with Gisselle, Harry was with Aileen and Zayn was with Kay MY Kaylee! I picked up my phone and was about to dial her number but that would just hurt her more, I mean I can't just call her cause I'm jealous....can I?

Felling dispersed and alone, I went to the kitchen to investigate the fridge.CARROTS! Right there in front of me was a big bowl of baby carrots with a note attached.I read it out loud ,"I got you a fresh bag of your favorite carrots just for you.Hope you like them-Kay"I stomped my foot in frustration.I put the not in my pocket and took the bowl of carrots to my room.

I grabbed my phone I quickly sent a text to Zayn.

To Zayn:'Need ur help to get Kaylee back....u in?' 

These carrots are the best!


New Message from Louis:'Need ur help to get Kaylee back....u in?'

I looked behind me to see if Kaylee was out of the bathroom yet, she wasn't back yet so I replied.

To Louis the queen'Shr y not shes happy when shes with u :)'

Part of me didn't want to send the message, I like Kaylee but she likes Louis. I sighed and presses send if it ment making her happy I would do it.


"I love you. " my heart stopped.

"What did you say?" I replied with a shaky voice.

"I said I love you Liam.I love you so much."my hands reached down to cup her face.

"You have no idea how long I have waited to hear those words leave your lips.I love you too Gisselle,  always have always will."Her lips meet mine, and my world stopped.She is perfect, beautiful ,unique, talented kind and she's all mine.


Why do we have to leave today!

I mean I wouldn't be that bad if it was for a day or two but its a WEEK. I was going to ask her out this week, she can stop taking the medicine tomorrow so she would be back to normal. "Niall can you win me that panda bear!"Melanie asked, taking hold of my hand.I love it when her hands in mine, its like it was made for me."Of course. "I smiled wishing this moment never had to end. Maybe we should go eat after this i'm hungry.

Life Behind The Stage- a One Direction fanfic  COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now