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"The man....... he kept asking me were Gisselle was."

What the hell would that guy want anything to do with Gisselle?! I turned to face Niall to see if maybe he could explain but he had the same confused look on his face that I probably have.

"What do you mean he was asking for Gisselle? How does he even know her!?"Niall asked, his voice full of panic.

"I don't know! How should I know?!Just don't tell the others about this...atlest not until Kay and I are out of the hospital."she whipered. Niall hesitated before nodding pulling her in to his arms once more.

(3weeks later)

"So how are Kaylee and Melanie doing?"Perrie asked as she peaked my cheek.I wrapped my arms around her waist pulling her closer to my body.

"They're doing fine its only been two days sense the doctor said Ana could come home..........Niall said that we have to tell the others about what that son of a bitch asked Melanie."honestly I was a bit scared about telling the others, and of what this news would do to Liam and Gisselle.

"Calm down, don't get upset like last time.What time do you need to leave?"she asked.I glanced at my phone screen it read 2:17 p.m.

"Right now actually, bye babe."her lips met mine one last time before I gathered my things.

As I entered the house I could hear the sound of Gisselle's and Aileen's laughter."ZAAYYNNSSS HOOMMEEE!"Louis shout filled the room.My heart started to race.

What are they going to say, what are they going to do?"Must you scream Lou? you're going to bust my eardrums."he playfully punched my arm then sat back down next to Kaylee. She kissed his cheek and buried her face in the crook of his neck, it was nice to see them happy again and healthy."I turned to face Niall and Melanie , they both had a nerves look plastered on their faces.

"Ok.....uumm now that everyone is here I-I-I need to tell you guys something very important. "she paused. All eye's were on her, I could feel my stomach tightening.

"Please don't tell us you're pregnant. "Harry smirked a small laugh escaped his lips.Niall's head snapped up , turning to face Harry.

"No,.......its about what happened...."he looked at Kay "that night."You could feel the tension build up in the room.Nobody spoke.It was like everyone was holding their breath.

"Melanie ? What happened, I thought you told us everything. "Kaylee got up as she spoke and took a seat next to Melz.Melanie started to mess with her bracelet, not making any eye contact with anyone.My stomach turned, I felt like I was going to be sick.Niall took her hand in his trying to encourage her to go on.She took a deep breath and looked up at us 

Her eyes looked distant, that look just made me feel more nervous.

"The second guy that was with Logan that night he....after he questioned Kaylee he yelled at Logan to take hold of Ana and not let her go."as she continued to tell everyone the truth of what had happend, I eyes wandered from face to face as I studied their reactions to what Melanie was telling them.

"He said he was only going to ask me once so that I better listen, then he asked........he asked were Gisselle was.I don't know why he wanted to know , but he wanted to know badly."Everyone had a look of shock on their faces.I turnes to face Gisselle.Now I'm no doctor but the way she looked right know i'm pretty sure its not normal nor healthy and Liam noticed it right away.


My hear skipped a beat the moment my girlfriends name left Melanie's lips.I automatically turned to face Gisselle, she had gone pale, her once pink cheeks where now a chalky white.

Who the fuck is this guy and what did he want with Gisselle!?With MY Gisselle.

"Gisselle? Babe what's wrong?!"I was starting to panic. I waited, desperate for her to answer.

"What did he look like.....?"she was looking directly at Melanie.

"Dark black hair, ice blue eyes , tall maybe 6.3 or 6.5?"Melanie stuttered in reply.I felt Gisselle tense beside me.


Please god, please don't let it be.

It can't be.

It just can't!

"What did he look like.....?"My heart was beating so fast I was afraid it was going to burst.

"Dark black hair, ice blue eyes , tall maybe 6.3 or 6.5?"Melanie stuttered in reply.Panic, fear, hopelessness, all of these things once again found its way into me.

I gulped, there was still a slim chance that it wasn't him."D-did h...he have a scare on his left temple? "

Please say no.

" did you know? Gisselle, what's wrong?"

No, no, no.

It can't be true, it can't be him.

But it is, there is no escaping the cold hard truth.

"Liam........."my voice came out a weak and broken whisper.

"Yeah, I'm right here babe what is it? Gisselle you're scaring me."Liam said as he took hold of my hand.

"He found me.......Liam HE found me!"a sob escaped my pale lips.He looked confused and scared.



Just when I thought I had finally mended my life, it is starting to break once again.


Sorry it took so long for me to update! I had the WORST case of writers block. :,( Any whoooo please comment ,vote and anyone have any ideas about what should happen in the next chapter? I'm open to ideas! 


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