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                     -Final Chapter-



(one month later)

   I'm a nervous wreak, I have no choice but to go to the stupid interview.Taylor had postponed it till today cause she had to do some mini concerts or something.


    "Liam why do you keep giving me that look?Cut it out, it's weird." I chuckled taking another bite out of my apple.He shrugged, checking the time on his cell phone.

    "I just got a strange feeling that you're going to do something absolutely stupid and I don't mean your normal kind of stupid.I mean Louis kind of stupid, no offence Lou."

    "None takin'.Besides my stupid is the best of all."he replied before leaving the kitchen.I laughed but stopped when I saw the look on Liam's face.

He didn't look too amused.

    "I'm not kidding Harry, careful with what you say to the press okay? Please."

    "Fine Mother, I'll be careful. And while I'm at it, I'll remember not to run with scissors and not eat the gum off the street."Liam still wasn't smiling. "Oh come on Payne lighten up I was just joking. I really am going to be careful. Promise."

     He finally smiled "Good, now leave. You're going to be late."

(At the interview)

You can do this Harold, do it for Aileen and for your son.

    "Mr.Styles, what's it like dating the most loved princess of country music ?" the host asked, continuing the endless list of questions.

    My heart is going to beat out of my chest, I hate having to do this.

    I turned to face Taylor, she gave me a warning glare that she always gives me when she thinks I'm going to do something that could jeopardise our fraud relationship.

    "It's um brilliant , she's an amazing girl."A satisfied grin spread across her smug face.She scooted closer to me,placing her hand in mine.

It feels so wrong.

    Aileen should be the one sitting next to me not her.And Taylor is so damn clingy, it's very irritating.

    "We're always getting complemented on what a nice couple we makes."she cooed.

No we don't.More like hate, that's all we get.

    Half of One Direction's fandom don't want us together let alone stand her. They want me back with Aileen, and some of them suspect that I dating Taylor was managements idea.

    I'm trying so hard not to frown and walk off but I can't, not on live television.Just a little longer and this will all be over soon, my mind started to wonder off.I wasn't paying much attention to the questions the host was asking Taylor anymore.

    I started to day dream about what it would be like to finally be able to hold my son.Wow, I'm going to be a dad soon.Just  three more week and he'll be here in my arms.The corners of my mouth turned up to form a smile. Aileen and I had been debating on what to name him all week.

    Louis insisted on naming him William Edward James Javaad Styles, after all the boys but I told him no it was waaayy to long. Yaridia on the other hand wants to name him Romeo.I have to admit I like that name, but I also want to name him Joseph or Edward like me.

Life Behind The Stage- a One Direction fanfic  COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now