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It took Harry, two doctors and I to remove Louis from the room.I felt like shit, like all the happiness was drained from the world, leaving us in cold dark sorrow.Harry and I were backed up against the wall of the private room the doctors had lead us to so that we wouldn't be bothered.We were trying to avoid the objects that Lou was throwing around the room shouting in agony and saying Kaylee's name over and over again.

She's gone.

I turned to look at Harry, he let out a quiet sob.I choked on my cry.

"Why......?" Louis whispered as he slid down the wall.He pulled his knees up to his chest, resting his head on them.Louis slowly rocked back and forth letting the tears flow out of him.I took a small step forward to go and comfort Lou.Harry stopped me and shuck his head"No, let him cool down first."he mumbled trying to hold back the tears but failed.

I nodded in understanding.The door to the room opened and a doctor stepped in.His eyes meet mine then Harry's.

"Boys, I understand what you are felling right now but..."he was cut off by the sound of a choke and sob put together coming from Louis, who was still sitting on the floor.We all turned to face him.Louis's shoulders were moving up and down as he cried.He stud up slowly reveling his face.

He wasn't crying, he was laughing.Before we could stop him he had the doctor pinned up to the wall with his hand gripping his shirt."How would YOU know what it feels like?! Tell me doctor, have you ever felt like there was only one person in the world that could make you happy?That was your other half? That you would die,or kill for them? Now imagine them suddenly being taken away from you, now you have to carry the burden of knowing you never told them you were sorry or that you loved them AND NOT EVEN BEING ABLE TO TELL THEM THEY MENT EVERY THING TO YOU!?" his voice was rising now.I couldn't move, Lou never acted like this.

"WHY COULDN'T YOU HAVE BLOODLY SAVED HER!? ITS YOUR JOB ISN'T IT!? YOU SAVE SO MANY PEOPLE WHY NOT HER DAMN IT WHY! ANSWER ME! WHY?!"the doctors eyes were almost popping out of his head from the shock.

"You need to calm down Mr.Tomlinson, besides I came here to inform you that your girlfriend is alive.We were able to revive her." Louis's hands dropped to his sides.

"What?" then he fainted, hitting the ground with a thud.

Life Behind The Stage- a One Direction fanfic  COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now