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The very attractive boy that just walked in was just staring at me like I was a ghost or some thing.  

"Hi ummm..."I asked.

"L-L-Liam."he stuttered.

The one with the perfect hair ,who I believe is named Zayn, walked up to Liam and whispered something into his ear. Liam took a deep breath and gave me a weak smile. I smiled back and turned my attention to the curly haired cutie.Aileen, the girl I spoke with in the phone, was sitting next to him.  

"Hi Nuvia welcome to the 1D family! I'm Aileen, the girl feeding carrots to the weirdo over there is Kaylee. You can call her Kay if you like. The weirdo eating the carrots is Louis, the girl with the extremely curly hair stuffing her face with cupcakes is Melanie, that girl never gains a pound.

That's Zayn. Niall is the one half way in the fridge. You already meet Liam and this is Harry my boyfriend and future hubby," she giggled lovingly.

Damn, so curly is taken.

Everyone seems nice, I think I may like it here. Kaylee gestured for me to sit by her so I did.Liam made his way next to me very slowly."So how long are you going to stay with us?"his voice came out in a high pitch squeak. The boys began to laugh

"Somebodys abit' shaken up."Louis smirked.Liam shot daggers at him, if looks could kill we would be preparing his freakin' funeral.

I couldn't help but laugh.Liam looked down at the floor and blushed. "Well management said I am to live with you!" He suddenly turned very pale. "Liam are you ok do you need something?"I placed my hand on his shoulder, I felt his muscles tense.He looked up at me , he has the most beautiful brown eyes I had ever seen.They were filled with No it can't be, I'm seeing things.

"I don't feel very well so I'm ummmm going to bed, it was nice meeting you Gisselle." he got up and walked in to his room shuting the door be hind him.

Everyone looked confused ,all except Melanie."I'm going to talk to him and maybe we can go to the movie's latter or something. " With out another word she made her way to his room. 


Sorry I took so long Nuvia hope you like it lovebug! and pleeeaasse dont kiill me xb  

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LOVE YOOH!!!!!!!<3 


Life Behind The Stage- a One Direction fanfic  COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now