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Please read the authors note after this chapter.Thank you! <33 

Hope you like it :)


"RYAN! RYAN FOUND ME! HE KNOWS WERE I AM AND HE KNOWS WHO I HANG OUT WITH! HE KNOWS EVERYTHING! LIAM HE FOUND ME" I felt my body go numb, from what I just heard it sounds like a complete syco is stalking Gisselle.Liam made a choking sound, I turned to face him.His face was now a equally pale color as Gisselle, he was holding her trying his best to calm his girlfriend.

"Gisselle, what are you talking about and who's Ryan?!" I managed to choke out.She looked at me with sad a broken eyes, her bottom lip trimbled as she spoke.

"He is my ex boyfriend, h-he beat me wh-when he was drunk.I left one night. I got on the first plane to the Virgin islands and left Texas.I th-thought I had finally managed to forget about him.....that he had forgotten about ME...but he didn't!"after she finished she started to sob violently.

Oh my god.

"SON OF A BITCH!"everyone jumped at the sudden anger that took over Liam. He kicked the coffee table then passed back and forth in the small room.

"HOW THE FUCK DID HE EVEN FIND HER!? I SWEAR IF I END UP FACE TO FACE WITH THAT PIECE OF SHIT I WONT HESITATE TO FUCKING KILL HIM!"His booming voice filled the room.His fist collided with the hard wall producing a large hole.From all the years I have lived with Liam I have never seen him like this.It scares me to see him acting this way, like if nothing in the world could stop him from getting what he wants.

"Liam?......Mate c-come on lets have a uuummm.... small chat out side, yeah?"I asked trying to hide the shock in my voice.Liam noded in response, swiftly making his way to the back porch.

" careful."it was Kaylee who had spoke this time.I peaked her lips and followed after Liam.

When I was out side Liam's back was facing me.He didn't say anything or even move when he heard me come out side.

"Liam are....."he turned to face me.His facial expression was a mix of pain, anger and frustration.Tears threatened to fall from his eyes.

"Lou...." was all he said before he to was crying.I embraced my best mate trying my best to comfort him, to tell him things would work out some how for the better.

"Liam,we will find out how to fix this mess and everything will be back to normal.Gisselle is going to be're going to be ok."

How is that suppose to convince him?!

I can barely convince my self!

"Now man up and go in there and be stronge for her go on off you go!"I joked releasing my friend and giving him a playfull slap on his bum.

"Thanks mate."he laughed.



(2weeks later)

"If I'm louder 

would you see me 

would you lay........ouch....."My hand went to my throat as I winced in pain.

"Niall, ouch is not the next line."Dominique our vocalists teacher remarked with a annoyed tone."Try again."

The music started again Liam sang his part then Harry, and now me, 

"If I'm louder 

would you see me  

would yo-OUCH!"my throat felt like it was on fire, I can't sing.

"Niall what the hell was that?!"Dominique growled in anger."I told Simon you weren't good enough to be in this band and the way you are singing right now provides my point. No matter how hard you try to become a better singer you will never, NEVER be as good as the rest of the boys.All you do is hold them back and waste their time and mine.You're like the burden of the band.You are nothing!"I bowed my head in shame.She was right, I'm nothing.Tears started to form at the corners of my eyes.

What am I doing, I should have left the band a long time ago.It was a mistake to even audition.

"I-I'm sorry...."I mumbled.

"You should be. "the vocalist's voice was like poison.

"Well fuck you! You're the one who put us to sing for 5 hours straight with no rest! what do you expect you're straining our voices! what kinda teacher are you!? All you are is a no good bitch who dresses like a slut and trys to flirt with Harry even though he makes it pretty damn clear that he wants nothing to do with you! And if I ever hear you criticize Niall like that again I will personally shove this mic up your white ass! He is talent, that's why he's in the band and not you.Who do you see on magazine covers and posters with sold out concerts and thousands of girls screaming their names? One Direction.And who's part of that band? Niall.So just do your damn job or I could easily call SIMON and tell him about this little problem and knowing him it won't be hard finding another teacher.I heard Cher Lloyd's old Vocalist teacher is looking for new students."

I was in complete shock.My sweet, shy, and quite girlfriend had broken out of her shell and had actually managed to stick up to Dominique with out apologizing afterwords. Melanie had always been a bit scared of her because she had cold eyes that seemed to suck up your soul.I guess she got feed up with it cause she just blew up on her.

"Well....ummmm...I'm s-sorry.....Well its 4 p.m you can..umm....go home now...."with that Dominique left the room and headed to the parking lot.


Sorry for not updating I've had had really bad writers block it sucks :(

So I started writing a second fanfic "Don't Say Goodbye", its about Liam ,he's still in 1D but its going to start out the first time he auditioned for the Xfactor its only one chapter but i have one more paragraph to go before im done with the second chapter.If you can could you please help me get more reads for this story and the new one, it would mean a lot to me and I could never thank you enough 


Please comment and vote, I love you my beautiful directioners (~^-^)~  


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