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I got up felling lazy and looked at the clock it read 2:35 p.m. "Crap the guys will be back soon."I mumbled to my self.I felt Aile shift next to me."What time is it?"she asked.

"2:35 love."

"I don't want you to leave babe" She whipered in to her pillow. I kissed her head and got off the bed accidentally taking the blanket off of Aileen. "AAAH!"she gave a small scream as she quickly covered her bare skin body."Can you pass me my clothes? "Aileen blushed a deep pink.

"Fine but I like it better when you're not wearing any."I gave her a devilish grin and handed the clothes to her."Shut up Styles."she giggled.

"What ever Mrs.Styles." I got dressed and headed down stairs. 


(10 min. later)


I was down stairs getting ready for the trip. I didn't want to leave Gisselle here. I would miss her so much. "Ugh! freakin Simon he had to give us an interview for a week with out the girls!" I said slamming down my hands making Gisselle flinch as she walked in the kitchen.

"Umm the boys are all waiting in the car...did you find your phone?"she asked a bit nerves. I put my phone in my pocket and nodded yes.Gisselle smiled and gave me a hug.She started to back away but my hold on her tightened."I wish I didn't have to go."I felt Gisselle's tears land on my shoulders.

"It's ok, just don't forget I love you."with that I made my way to the car."Alright, what's the fastest way to the airport?"I asked closings the car door behind me.I waited for a answer but got nothing.

"Well wipe that confused look off your faces.Who has the key's?"Zayn tossed me the key's and started to fumble with his fingers.There was a awkward silence, but Louis quickly broke it by turning on the radio.

It was like this almost the whole ride to the airport.No one had spoken, and to my surprise neither Zayn or Harry sang along with the music.I couldn't take the silence any longer,"Why are you so quite?! It's starting to freak me out."

Harry was the first to speak"I'm just sad about leaving the girls behind that's all."

Ok that explains Harry but not Zayn who was still fumbling with his fingers."I.....uumm I need to tell you and the lads something."he was speaking directly to Louis.

"What?"Lou replied hesitating.

"I wasn't positive at first but now I am and I know that if one of you punch me, I deserve it."he took a deep breath"I think i'm in love with Kaylee. "

Zayn's remark caught me by surprise causing me to swerve a little.The car next to me honked in anger, I raised my hand apologetically.We finally reaches a stop light and I turned to face Louis. At first there was a look of anger but he quickly overshadowed it.

"I'm sorry Lou I can't control my feelings....if you want to punch me that's fine I won't fight back."Louis took a deep breath."It's ok Zayn, i'm glad you told me.But you do know I still love her too, and that i'm going to fight for her to take me back.I made a mistake and I want to correct it."

"I know .....that's why i'm going to help you get her back, I want to see her happy.So are we cool?" Louis hesitated before answering.

"Yeah,we're cool." we all let out our breath that we had been holding in.

"Well that was the longest stop light ever."Niall said trying to lighten up the mood. 

We arrived at the airport no time.

"Well, we're off to the U.S.!"Harry exclaimed.


"Please stop crying Kaylee, that also means you Gisselle! Not you too Aileen!"everyone was crying and sense the boys weren't here for them to cry on their shoulders the girls used me instead.I had Kay crying on my left shoulder and Gisselle on my right.Seeing them cry made Aileen start crying so she sat on the floor and rested her head on my lap soaking my jeans with tears.I took my phone out and snapped a picture.I got on Twitter and posted the picture,tagged the boy's.

Melanie1D @Melanie_1D  

Look at what you guys did to my girls! You guys owe me a new pair of jeans and a shirt cause these are soaked in tears. 


I smiled to my self shuting off my phone.  

The girls stopped crying after a while. "Hey guys wanna go clubing?" i asked lightening up the mood.



Aileen was hysterically crying on the bar drinking shots drowning her sorrows in them. "Harry why?" she slurred. "WHY? WHY DID YOU FUCKEN LEAVE ME?-ugh! this is all Simon's fault!" she yelled slamming her hands on the bar. I rolled my eyes taking a sip from my virgin piña colada. I turned my attention to Kay when she burst out in tears.

"Louis! I miss you so much!" she sobbed.Then out of now where she takes out a carrot and starts munching on it.


Where did she get a carrot in a freakin' club?! I looked around trying to find Gisselle.Panic came upon me, WERE THE HELL DID SHE GO!? Then I found her hugging some complete stranger and calling him Liam. "Liam it's me! Why do you keep saying you don't know me, I thought you loved me!?"Great, I told her not to drink so many shots of tequila but she wouldn't listen. Completely embarrassed, I ran to her and apologize to the handsome guy she was hugging.

"Why does she keep calling me Liam? Wait....aren't you Melanie the girl from last seasons American Idol?!"I blushed and nodded.

"No way! You made it to the top 7 but got disqualified ! AND THAT MEANS THAT THE GIRL WHO WAS HUGGING ME IS GISSELLE ROMERO RIGHT CAUSE YOU BECAME ONE DIRECTION'S BACKUP SINGER AND SHE'S ONE OF THE SINGERS ALSO! HOLY SHIT THE GUYS WILL NEVER BELIEVE THIS!"he shouted quite excited.It was kinda freaky that he new so much about me, it was just American Idol not The X Facter and i'm a backup singer,not that cool! One Direction on the other hand, well they ARE amazing!

"Is it true that Kaylee and Louis broke up?!"

"Yes and I really have to go sorry."I grabbed Gisselle's arm and proceeded back to the bar but was stoped by the same guy I had been speaking to."Is she here with you too?"he asked determined to find Kay.

"Umm let go of me Gisselle is about to pass out!"The dark haired boy released me and assisted Gisselle who was now out cold.

"Thank you...I didn't get your name."

"Logan."he said simply.We returned to the bar to find Kaylee completely waisted and....kissing a carrot.Behind me Logan let out a husky laugh"She's even more beautiful in person."I turned to face him.Logan's eye's observed Kay like a lion would do with a gazelle.

It frightened me.

He let go of Gisselle, and she fell on top of me.He literally ran to were Kaylee was sitting pushing past Aileen who looked confused and dazed.



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Life Behind The Stage- a One Direction fanfic  COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now