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Hey I'm looking for some new fanfics to read for this summer comment on this chapter YOUR fanfic or a fanfic u recommend :) or tweet it to me

(Account username at the end of this chapter)

please read the authors note after this chapter :)


Who does she think she is?!

"Umm are you ok?'re shaking really bad.Maybe you should go get some air." Harry suggested placing his hand on my shoulder.I nodded making my way out the door.The cool breeze relaxed me, almost instantly making me forget about the little argument Dominique and I had just had.

"Babe?" I turned to find Niall standing in the door way with a big grin plastered on his face.I motioned for him to come closer, his smile grew with this gesture.

"Thank you." Niall mumbled in to my hair as he wrapped his strong arms around me.

"For what?" I asked looking up at him in confusion.

"For standing up to Dominique like that."

"You don't need to thank me, she shouldn't have talked to you like that.Plus I'm going to defend my boyfriend. " a small giggle left my lips.The sound of Niall's laughter caused butterflies to flutter in my stomach.

"So what do we do now?"I asked.

"Well Liam left with Gisselle to eat lunch, Kaylee and Louis went to the mall and Zayn went to go see Perrie. "He paused to think then continued."I think Harry and Aileen went home, so you know what they're going to be doing."he giggled.

Oh god.

Poor Yari, does Harry ever stop?! I laughed at the thought.

"Let's go to the amusement park!" he suggested , his voice full of enthusiasm.

"O.k lets go then." we walked towards his car hand in hand.

(At the amusement park)

"Niall I can't do this, oh god, get me off of here! WHY DID I LISTEN TO YOU!?" my knuckles were turning white from how hard I was griping the bar that kept me from falling out of my seat.Niall had managed to convince me to ride one of the tallest roller coasters in the park.He said it wasn't that bad and that I would like it. Now I just want to strangle him, but I can't cause thanks to him my hands are glued to the bar from fear.

"You're going to be ok love! Let go of the bar!"he yelled over the sound of the cart escalating to the top of the first drop.My heart started to beat rapidly. I felt like I was going to be sick on the spot, Niall placed his hand over mine trying to help me calm down.We had finally reached the top.

"I hate you."Was all I managed to say before we plummeted down the steep slope.All I can say is that I have never screamed so loud in my life or been so afraid.

(After the ride)

Niall almost had to peal me off the seat.I couldn't feel my legs and my heart beat wouldn't slow down.I was shaking so badly from the fright the ride had caused me and all Niall did was laugh.

Then again it was pretty funny I was screaming and crying like a little girl.


"I'm sorry baby I didn't think you were going to be this scared."Niall laughed "So what do you want to do now?"he asked aftet he finished laughing his ass off.

"Eat, I'm so hungry. "

"Fine by me and i'll pay sense I almost gave you a hear attack."

"Not almost ,you did."

He gave me a quick kiss amd smiled.

As we ate I couldn't help but remember the day he asked me out.A smile spread across my face.

"You never did tell me what Zayn made you do."I asked taking another bit from my cheeseburger. Niall blushed in response.

"He ummm...let me just show you."he laughed and pulled out his cell phone.He handed it to me, on the screen there was a link to a YouTube video. I pressed play.

Oh my...

Niall was running in heals alongside a blond haired girl who was also running in heals.They were having a race, Niall almost fell.He ended up taking the cute heals off and running in his socks.The video ended and I couldn't stop laughing.

"Tha-that's w-what Zayn made you do?"Niall blushed a deep red.

"I had never felt so stupid in my life."he mumbled in embarrassment.

"Well I thought it was cute."he gave me a toothy grin and continued to eat.


"Aileen is the popcorn ready?"I asked already missing her sitting next to me.

"Almost." there was a pause then her voice came again."Done!"she walked in to the living room bowl in hand and a glass of apple juice in the other.

"It that for me?"

"No get your own apple juice this is mine."she giggled taking a seat next to me.I laughed wrapping my arms around her pressing play on the remote.

"The Notebook, again? Really Harry."Aileen complained pocking my belly.

"Hey I love this movie shut up."I laughed shoving a handful of popcorn in to her mouth.

"Jurf, my dif ou do af?"


She swallowed and playfully punching my arm."I said, Jerk why did you do that."

"Because I love you. "my voice came out huskier than usual.

"I love you too babe."I closed the space between us alowing her lips to press against mine.My lips brushed against her cheeks then her neck.Softly I kissed the exposed skin leaving a small yet noticeable love bite behind.

"Harry stop it." she giggled pushing me away.A frown replaced my smile.

"Wwwhhhyyy?"I complained causing her to laugh even more.

"Cause we're on the couch Hazza."she have me a sweet smile.

"I can fix that."once I had picked her up bridal style, I ran upstairs to our bedroom.  


(2 hours later)

"We're hooommmeeeee!" Kaylee's shout echoed throughout the house waking me from my deep sleep.

"Crap!"I mumbled trying to shake Harry awake "Harry! Wake up their home! Wake uupp!"


hey sorry I haven't up dated........Uuuugggggghhhhh ok I love you guys so ill telll u the truth and not do the whole "I'm sorry" blablablabla bullpoop line 

so its summer vacation and I'm out alooott (like most of u) and I just haven't had any time to write I'm truly sorry and i'll try and mkr it up to all of you. I am driving from Florida back to texas sooo I'm going to have a looooot of time to write.

my Twitter is. @Lesley_Itzel_xx u can tweet me what u liked or what u didn't like from this chapter of the story so far :) but please to tweet me don't make me look like a loser and not tweet me  

thank u for being so patient and for continuing to read this fan fic!



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