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Please read the A.N. at the end of this chapter thank you. ENJOY :D 



"Wha?"he had a confused look on his face as he tried to wake himself.

"Hazza,Aile? You home?"Zayn was the one to speak this time.Harry launched himself off the bed trying to pick up his clothes. The door to our bedroom was opened and Zayn walked in.

"You guys in he..."he never finished his sentence.His mouth in the shape of an O, he placed his hands over his eyes so he didn't have to see Harry in all his glory."Why Harry, WHY!? I am never going to be able to un-see that thanks a lot! UGH!"He whimpered running out of the room still shielding his eyes.Waves of laughter erupted from me, poor Zayn he is scarred for life.I turned to look at my husband who was blushing badly from the embarrassment.

"Why are you blushing for if its not the first time he sees you naked."

"Cause you're naked to but at least he didn't SEE you and well he knows what we were doing.....great I'm never going to hear the end to this."


Great, just great. If I'm lucky Zayn won't tell the rest of the lads. Slowly I made my way down stairs ,praying that Zayn wouldn't be there.


Louis, Niall and Zayn were sitting on the couch smirking up at me.

"So did you have a good morning? " Lou teased.Niall bursted in to laughter.

Why did he tell them!

I rushed in to the kitchen trying to ignore the perverted comments my band mates said as I walked by.

"Are the boys giving you a hard time."Gisselle spoke after taking a sip from her ice tea.Over the past months Nuvia and I have become like brother and sister.She is like me in a way she has a great sense of humor and is very out going.

"Heellllooo earth to Harold! "

"Sorry zoned out for a second there and yeah kinda." I mumbled digging through the fridge looking for something to eat, saddly ,from the looks of it , it seemed Niall haf already cleaned it out.Including my bananas.

"All of this just cause Zayn walked in on you and Aileen eeeeeerrrrr you know...." she giggled almost choking on her tea.

"Yup.So were's Liam?"

"Went food shopping with Melz. Why?"

I shrugged pouring myself a glass of juice."Cause its the first time he goes some were with out you sense you told us anout Ryan. "A pained expretion spread across her face making me regret saying that.

"Oh.... yeah I think he's starting to let his gared down little by little.I told him to go with Lesley so that he could relax a'bit.He's been stressed out a lot lately. "There was a long and awkward pause.It felt like it was never going to end.

"Oi Harry it's Simon on the phone he wants to talk to you!" Nialls voice broke the silence.I took the phone from Niall and made my way to the backyard.


"Harry I need to talk to you.Will you please come by my office, we need to .....discuss somethings. "Simon didn't let me reply, he had already hung up.Well that was wired, what does he want to "discuss"? I didn't break ANY of the rules he gave me and Aileen.Both her and i have to take off our wedding rings in public and she can't wear her engagement ring in public also.It sucks and I hate it but we have no choice.It can, like Simon put it, ruin our career.I just don't see how though. it didn't make sense.

Life Behind The Stage- a One Direction fanfic  COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now