Life Behind The Stage

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Ok sooo this is my first ever fanfic so its not that good but hey I tried xD So if you don't like it I'm sorry (/.\) My second Fanfic, Don't Say Goodbye my Liam fanfic, is wayyyy better then this one so read that on and I promise you it's a lot better then this one, it's more thought through.

Anyway hope you like Life Behind The Stage! And thank you for giving it a chance <3

~The girl who loves her readers!!!


"Thank you all for coming!!!"I shouted over the sound of thousands of girls screaming at the top of their lungs.

"We want to give a massive thanks to all the fan's who came here tonight , for with out you WE would not be here!"Harry blew a kiss to the crowd, causing the girls in the front row to call out his name frantically.

The boys and I made our way back stage, taking one last glance at the large crowd.


Naills laugh filled the room,"Why are you laughing know Mr.Leprechaun?" Asked the lad with the perfect hair.

"S-s-soorrry! Its just....I-I-I can't believe Lou fell right on his arse in the middle of singing Up-up-up All Night!" The bubbly Irish boy fell to his knees and clinched his stomach desperately trying to stop the laughter. The three other members of 1D and I looked down at the young lad and then at Louis who was making a puppy face in attempt to make us laugh.

"Shut up Niall, it hurt and when I fell some girl squeezed my bum!" Louis wimperd.

"Aww boobear ,come heeeerree!"Harry motioned for Louis to hug him.

"Haaarrryyyy!!! Boobear feels violated!"Louis playfully cried in to Harrys neck. "LARRY MOMENT! OOWW!"Zayn shouted."You're giving me a heart attack." Niall sang "Shut up Niall!" I couldn't help but laugh, our little leprechaun could be so funny sometimes.Even when he wasn't trying to be, he was just naturally a bubbly boy.

"Do I dare believe my eyes? HARRY STYLES, GET YOUR PRETTY BOY HANDS OF MY MAN!"Kaylee's

(A/N- the name Kaylee is

pronounced K-lee sorry lol just making sure .Now back to the story )

exclamation made me jump out ot my skin.She was the quite one from all three girls in the 1D family, but if you went near her boobear she would kill you on the spot.

"Sorry Kay! I forgot Louis is of limits when you're arownd..."Harry mumbled sadly backing away from Louis. "Oh come on you know you still loooovvveee mmeee riiigghhtt!?"Louis continued to nibble on a carrot."Yeah I know ,and stop eating those damn carrots!"she giggled, rewarding him with a small peck on the lips.I searched the room, looking for Aileen and Melanie, the other two back up singers for the band.Melanie entered the room first and Aileen followed close behind.They both had tears in their eye's.Harry immediately got up and rushed to Aileen.They had been dating for a year and a half now.He was completely head over heals for her.



She was perfect.I got up and rushed to her side in a heartbeat .My lips brushed away her tears,"Whats wrong love?"I whisper so only she could hear.

No answer.

"Aileen what happend are you hurt, did someone hurt you!? Tell me who ,i'll tear them apart!" I could feel my face getting hot with anger.NO ONE can hurt my Aileen and get away with it.She started to giggle uncontrollably, I looked down at her with a confused expression. "Am I missing some thing?"I asked.

"Yes, majorly.No one hurt me Hazza!"I turned my head to face Melanie for help."We are crying because Breanna is getting married, today was her last show with us."

"Oh right...I fell stupid now."I frowned.

"Well I think its cute."Aileen sniffled.I rolled my eye's and kissed her forehead."OOOKK, no more lovey dovey stuff , it makes me sad.I HATE BEING SINGLE!!!"Melanie remarked. A smile appeared on Zayns face,"Welcome to the club!"he said in a sad girly voice"buuut I know someone who would just loove to snog with you!!".Niall turned a bright red and began choking on the velvet cupcake he was currently eating. Liam, being the daddy directioner and all, through a cushion straight at Zayns face .

"Stop being stupid, and get Niall some water.He's dying over there!" "UUGGGHH! Ha, lookes like Melz over there bet me to it." She turned at the sound of her name.

"Don't call me that! I hate it!"she whined.I looked at Niall just in time to catch him giving Zayn a deadly look.Whay was he always so defensive about Melanie? I'd have to remember to ask hin later. I turned back my attention to Aileen who was know being comforted by both Kaylee and Melanie. "So if Breanna is leaving then who is going to take her place?"I wandered out loud.

"Well management said they were going to bring in someone new, I got to meet her ahead of time to see if she was good or not and she seemed great."Aileen answered. "Whats her name?"Niall asked between bites. "Gisselle, her name is Gisselle."Liam froze on the spot.What was up with everyone lately, Niall was always nervous, Melanie was getting quite and she had always been the loudest.Now Liam was turning white as snow.



I couldn't breath, my heart was pounding.The first time I saw Gisselle was the day I stayed home because I was sick, I had been watching a Katy Perry concert and the camera was on the backup singers.She had black hair, beautiful brown eyes.I remember wishing I could meet her someday and know I was getting my chance but I wasn't sure I could do it.

"Liam, are you ok?"Kaylee question made me snap out of my paralyzed stage.

"Hu? Amm yeah lets get to the bus we have a wedding we must go to tomorrow."

Everyone made their way to the tour bus , all except Niall.He looked sad,"What's wrong mate?"I looked at him concerned.

"Nothing...ZAYN IS BEING A COMPLETE ARSE! HE KNOWS I LIKE MELANIE AND I DON'T KNOW HOW TO TELL HER! BUT HE KEEPS MAKING FUN OF ME!"tears started streaming down his face, my heart automatically sank.Niall never cryed unless you took his food or he was extremely mad.

"Niall just talk to her, it's not that hard." "Yes it is! Im not flirty like Harry or perfect as Zayn!All Im good for is cleanig out the fridge, and im not even cleaning IM EATING!!"I grabbed him by his shoulders and gave him a good shake."NIALL YOU ARE A GREAT LAD, YOU ARE FUNNY , ENERGETIC, LOVEABLE, AND YOU HAVE A GOOD HEART! YOU WILL TALK TO HER AND I'LL DEAL WITH ZAYN MALIK! please go to the bus and wipe those tears away you dont want Melanie to see you crying do you?"His eyes were huge and he looked scared.Wow was I really that nervous about meeting Gisselle that I yelled at my little leprechaun? I didn't mean it in a bad way, I was trying to help.

".......ok...."Niall squeaked and ran outside.

Everyone was already doing some thing by the time I was in the bus.Zayn was listening to music, Niall was trying to talk to Melanie but kept stuttering which was making her blush, Kay was trying to keep a bag of carrots away from Louis, and Harry and Aileen were having a makeout session in the back.

"I GOT THEM , VICTORY IS MIIINNNEE!!"Louis yelled out."Good for you , know will you get off of me you fat ass!"Kaylee demanded.She was face down on the floor and Louis was sitting on her back with a psychotic look on his face.

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