He Crashes Your Wedding

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"Why do you look so sad?" Olivia, the five year old flower girl asks. "It's your wedding day."

You give her a small smile. "Just some things going through my mind, Olivia."

"What's going through your mind?"

"Doubts, I guess," you let out a weak laugh.

"Y/N," the door to your dressing room suddenly bursts open, slamming against the wall.

You turn to the door with wide eyes, greeted by Ashton's admiring face.

"Wow. You look beautiful," he whispers.

"Thank you," you reply, still in shock. "What- what are you doing here?"

"You can't get married to him, Y/N, please," Ashton begs, dropping to his knees to rest his hands on your lap.

He looks into your eyes, his hazel eyes full of hope and desperation.

"Can you imagine your life with him? Can you imagine yourself in ten years, still married to him with a house and those two kids you've always wanted?" Ashton questions.

"No," you mumble, lowering your head to stare at your hands.

He raises your head softly to meet his gaze again. "Who can you imagine that with?"



It was the night before your wedding and you were at your house that you shared with Brad.

Brad was spending the night at one of his bandmates house with his groomsmen while you were spending the night with your bridesmaids.

You were showing off your wedding dress to them, just to make sure it still fit.

There was a knock at the door.

"I'll go get it," you tell the four bridesmaids, making your way up the stairs.

The sleepover was taking place in the basement.

You open the front door just to have a body brush past you.

"You know I should be pissed at you," a voice speaks.

"Calum?" You squint your eyes, recognizing the fuming male.

"You broke my heart. You cheated on me."

"Calum-""But I somehow can't get you out of my mind," he interrupts you, still on his rant.

"The way you laugh at your own jokes. The way that you let me be the only one to see you cry. The way that you dance to music while cleaning the kitchen. The way you sing along to Ed Sheeran while cooking. But you know I definitely can't get out of my mind?" Calum asks.

You shake your head, feeling uncomfortable under his hard stare.

"The way you look in a fucking wedding dress. You look so gorgeous and it's not fair because he doesn't deserve you- dammit, you're too good for anyone. But I sure as hell deserve you more than Brad does," he reaches forward pulling you into a heated kiss.

His arms wrap around your waist as your wrap around his neck, playing with his hair.

Your lips move together perfectly.

"You won't be needing this, right?" Calum whispers, pulling back to pull down a strap on the dress.

You shake your head, a smile on your face.


You stand at the altar, staring at your blonde haired fiancé.

"Does anybody object to this marriage?" The priest asks.

You turn to stare out at the crowd of people.

A hand raises slowly.

People gasp, eyes wide.

"And why's the objection?" The ninety year old priests asks, obviously already seeing this in their life.

"I'm still in love with Y/N," a familiar Australian accent answers.

"Your love for the bride is not a legal reason for an objection. Now, do you, James-""Uh," you interrupt the priest nervously.

He looks up at you, clearly annoyed by being interrupted. "Is something wrong?"

"Shit, I can't do this," you whisper to yourself, before turning and running down the aisles.

Gasps and yells come from behind you, wondering what you're doing but even you don't know that answer.

You stand outside the back of the building, taking deep breaths.

Footsteps crunching leaves interrupt your thoughts and you turn around, seeing the person that's causing those thoughts.

Luke stands there, a curious but loving look on his face, Anna placed protectively in his arms.

"Damn you," you mutter to him before stepping forward and kissing him.

He chuckles through the kiss, wrapping an arm around your waist.


You stand outside the doors, the people about to pull them open.

"Y/N!" A voice yells.

You turn around, spotting Michael running towards you with a panicked look on his face.

"Can we wait a few minutes?" You ask the lady next to you quietly.

Her eyes widen but she nods, opening the doors and slipping through them, quickly closing them behind her.

"Michael what's wrong?" You ask him.

"I had a dream last night," he starts, "and you were walking down the aisle towards me and you looked so damn perfect in a puffy white dress with your hair all done and your make up done and your eyes were shining and your smile went from ear to ear."

"What's the point in that story?" You question him.

"You were walking towards me, not Connor," he exclaims.

You stay quiet, staring down at the bottom of your dress.

"You look awkward, why are you awkward?" He asks nervously.

"I had that same dream."

He suddenly pulls you into a hug, wrapping his arms tightly around you.

"Please don't get married to him, please," he begs quietly into your ear.

Your heart shatters at his pleas and you slowly nod.


You stand, arms wrapped around each other.

"What will I say?"

"Who says you have to say anything?" Michael pulls back, grinning at you.

You slowly smile back, grabbing his outreached hand.

The answer was an investigator. That was an easy one :(

The picture is some wedding dresses so that you can imagine the wedding theme easier

But @Mrsjuliettehemmings asked for this so there you go ;)

Hey in the overview section of the writer analytics beta, what does unique readers mean?

Do any of you care about the demographics? Because I'll keep you posted if you care but otherwise I don't want to be that annoying kid no one likes

Which I already am but I don't want to be even more annoying

Why can't you trust atoms?

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