You two split up cuz hate

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@IhateY/N: @Y/T/N go die ur so stupid

@dieY/N: @Y/T/N nobody likes u

@killurselfY/N: @Y/T/N ur fat and ugly

@Y/Nsugly: @Y/T/N i dont even no y Ashtons with u

“Y/N?” Ashton calls out as the door slams to your apartment.

You glance behind you and wipe the tears from your eyes.

He walks into the kitchen where you were with your laptop and a bowl of potato chips in front of you.

You lost your appetite though once you started scrolling through your twitter and finding those hateful comments.

“What’s wrong?” He asks you concerned with a worried expression. He starts to walk towards you and you stand up, closing the top of your laptop.

“A-Ashton,” you stutter, then take a deep breath. “I can’t do this.”

“What?” He asks, his face falling.

“This relationship, I can’t anymore. The hate is too much, I can’t handle it. I’m not strong enough to deal with this,” you admit.

“So… what does that mean?” Ashton asks you.

“We’re done. I’ll just grab my stuff and leave,” you mumble, going to retrieve your items.

Ashton just stands in the doorway of the kitchen, shocked.


“Calum, can I talk to you,” you sniffle as you walk into the living room where he was playing FIFA with Luke and Michael, Ashton watching.

“Are you okay, Y/N?” Ashton asks you, concerned as Calum pauses the game and walks towards you.

You give him a small nod as Calum grabs your hand and pulls you to the kitchen gently.

“What’s wrong, Y/N?” Calum asks you, trying to put his hands on your waist.

He can’t, however, because you keep pulling back from his grip.

“I can’t do this anymore, Cal,” you mumble into your hands you brought up to your face.

You can’t watch his reaction.

“What can’t you do?” He asks you gently.

But it’s obvious he knows what you can’t do.

“You and me, Calum. We’re through. I thought I could handle the hate, but I can’t. I’ll just go. Y/B/F/N’s will be here tomorrow to pick up my stuff,” you say, quickly walking out of the room and out the front door before Calum could stop you.


You sit on the edge of the hotel bed, your face buried in your hands.

Lou sits beside you, rubbing your back as you sob.

“Y/N? What are you doing here, Lou?” Michael asks as he walks into the hotel room.

“Michael,” you look up from your hands to the boy in front of you.

“What’s wrong, Y/N?” He asks, starting to walk towards you.

You stand up and walk towards your packed suitcase on the dresser.

“Y/N?” Michael’s voice breaks.

You grab the handle, turning around to see him looking at you with tears in his eyes.

You take a deep breath. “Michael. You know I love you.”

“I love you more, I love you more than anything,” he lets out a shaky chuckle. “Silly you, we aren’t leaving for two days.”

“No, Michael. I’m leaving. I’m leaving now. I can’t do this, Michael, I can’t have this relationship where I’m hated on for who I am,” you say in a soft tone, staring him straight in the eyes.

“So… you’re breaking up with me?” He asks finally.

“Yeah. I’m sorry, Michael. I really am,” you whisper as you walk past him and out the door.


“Oh my god, Y/N, why are you still alive?! No one likes you, you’re so fat and ugly!” Someone from the crowd shouts as you and the boys try to make your way into the studio.

It’s hard to get there though, because it’s blocked by all of the fans.

Luke grips onto your hand tightly and you close your eyes at the comment, trying to hold back the tears.

Next thing you know you were on the concrete, your left knee bleeding.

“Are you okay, babe?” Luke asks as he bends down next to you.

“They tripped me,” you say in realization.

Your eyes widen and tears start to swell up.

It’s not just about the scrape on your knee though.

“Luke. This is it. That’s the final straw,” you tell him, turning to look at him.

His eyes widen. “Please don’t tell me that’s what you mean.” He begs you with his eyes. When you don’t object he asks you, “Really? That’s just the end of our relationship.”

“I can’t handle this, Luke. They hate me for being me.” You stand up slowly and he follows. “Go please them before they hurt someone else,” you tell Luke before turning around and hobbling to the street, hailing for a taxi.

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