You meet the other boys

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“I can do this,” you stand outside of the pizzeria with your boyfriend, Michael, by your side.

You’ve been dating Michael for two months now and you were just now meeting his bandmates.

“Yes you can,” Michael rubs your back soothingly.

“Alright, Michael, let’s go,” you walk forward and try to walk into the pizzeria but you forgot to step up on the step to get out of the little entrance area.

So you end up tripping.

And ending up with a bloody nose.

Michael comes rushing after you, three other guys running towards you.

You burst into laughter because that’s what you always do when you get hurt, you laugh.

“Oh my gosh, Y/N, are you okay?” Michael helps you up and the tall, blonde boy hands you a napkin.

“I’m fine, I’m fine. Well that was quite an entrance,” you giggle, the boys following in pursuit.



“Y/N, try this on,” your friend giggles, handing you a pair of sunglasses where the frame was donuts.

You laugh too, sliding the sunglasses onto your face. You do the duck face and show a peace sign to her to look like a true white girl.

“Y/N?” You hear a voice behind you.

You turn around to see your boyfriend of three months, standing in front of you with three other boys beside him.

“Oh hey, Calum,” you giggle, pulling the sunglasses off of your face. “What are you doing here?”

“I’m just shopping, I’m guessing you are too,” Calum chuckles along with the boys beside him. You nod. The guy with the green hair coughs. Calum lets out a small “oh” before pulling you into his side. “Guys, this is my girlfriend, Y/N. Y/N, this is the guys, Luke, Ashton, and Michael.”

“Nice to meet ya lads,” you try to do their Australian accents.

“I like her already,” the Ashton one says.


You were at a signing for your favorite band, 5 Seconds of Summer.

You go down the line and get three out of four of the boys’ autographs, they smiled at you too. They’re very nice.

You finally reached the end, and your favorite member, Luke Hemmings.

“Who would you like-whoa,” Luke pauses his sentence as he looks up and sees you. You give him a questioning look. “I’m sorry it’s just, you’re very pretty.”

You blush. “Thank you.”

“What’s your name?” Luke asks you.

“Y/N,” you tell him.

“What a beautiful name for such a beautiful girl,” Luke flirts with you.

“Would you like some crackers with that cheese?” You joke.

“Only if I’m getting them with you,” he pulls out his phone and hands it to you. “Can you put in your number so we can get those crackers sometime?”

You laugh, but put in your number.

After you get his autograph you walk away, hearing the rest of the boys teasing Luke.

At least they said how hot you were.


You were spending the day cleaning Ashton’s apartment, since he was at work, you were too lazy to go home, and it was a mess.

You changed into one of his shirts, pulled on comfy shorts, pulled your hair into a messy bun, and put fuzzy socks on so you could move around easily.

You turned your iPod on because it was easier to finish stuff with music on.

You were currently sweeping the kitchen when this is Gospel by Panic! At the Disco turned on.

You turned your broom into a dance partner because, why not.

“IF YOU LOVE ME LET ME GO-OOOHHH!” You scream extra at the end, not noticing the four boys at the entrance of the kitchen. They stand there, smirking, phones out.

You blush, but continue screaming the song.

Once it finishes they all clap.

You let out a fake bow, accidently banging your head against the counter.

“You did good with this one, Ashton,” the Asian one says.

So I basically based all of these off of me because I feel like I would trip while walking into a pizzeria or bang my head against a counter or use a broom as a dancing partner while screaming words at the top of my lungs...

This is Gospel by Panic! at the Disco from Ashton's preference ->

The donut sunglasses from Calum's preference ->

Can someone please get me those sunglasses? Like they're so amazing.

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