Moving In Series

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Moving In Series

He asks you to move in with him and you say no


"How could we end up in this situation?" Ashton, your boyfriend of three months sighs and runs his hands through his hair.

"You know how," you sigh as well, sitting on the edge of his bed.

You started feeling sick a week ago and realized that your period was late.

You took a test today and found out you're pregnant.

"Okay okay okay," Ashton repeats, clearly overwhelmed. "I'm not going to leave this baby like my father left me and my siblings, I promise, babe."

You smile up at the man you love. "I know, babe."

"You could move in with me! That would make things easier," Ashton grins, the idea lighting up his face.

"As much as I love how much you want both of us to be involved in the baby's life, Ash, I think it's too soon in our relationship to move in together," you gently reject his idea.

His smile falls.

"Ask me again when I'm five months pregnant, I'll reconsider it," you smile at him.


"I can't believe you're moving," Luke sits on your bed, an upset look on his face.

"Come on, Luke. Be happy for me. Spain is going to be wonderful," you flutter over to your closet, pulling out multiple sweaters and setting them on your bed.

"I'm sure it is," he sighs.

"The archistructure is going to be so beautiful," you sigh happily, ignoring Luke's moopy state. You fold the sweaters sloppily, thinking about your dream country.

"What if I asked you to move in with me?" Luke asks suddenly.

You freeze, a sweater half folded in your hands.

"Would that keep you from leaving me?"

It takes you a while to unfreeze, and you sigh, sitting on the bed next to him.

"Luke I'm not leaving you. I'm simply... taking a break. Not of you or our relationship together. But of everything here. Everything that I'm used to. I've dreamed of Spain forever, baby, and now I've finally got the chance to go and live there. I'm going to take it."


Michael's jokingly asked you to move in with him for a while, but never officially.

So when it happened, you were surprised that it was real.

The two of you were sitting on his living room couch, talking about random stuff and watching House Hunters.

"Move in with me," he requests.

"No," you reply, drooling over the house they're showing.

He remains silent instead of his usual laugh, which makes you cast him a weird look.

"Why aren't you laughing?" You ask him.

He remains silent.

"Wait are you serious?" Your eyes widen.

He nods slightly, staring at the TV.

"Oh babe I thought you were joking. Of course I'll move in with you," you wrap your arms around him in a hug.


You sigh, looking at the papers spread across the table in front of you.

"What's wrong?" Calum asks from your couch.

"I don't know if I have enough money to pay my rent this month," you push up your glasses, glancing over at Calum. "I'll have to ask my landlord for an extension."

"Or um, you could not pay at all this month?" Calum suggests nervously.

You give him a curious look. "Why wouldn't I pay this month? I'd get kicked out, otherwise."

"You could move in with me," he requests.

A shocked and apologetic look covers your face. "Oh, Calum babe you don't need to offer me to move in with you just because I can't find an extra twenty five dollars."

"And because I love you," he says for the first time.

You smile. "I love you too, Cal. Why don't we focus on that instead of skipping five steps?"

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