You had a child before you met him

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“What if she hates me?”

“She’s six, Luke, she just cares if you play princesses with her or not,” you scoff, pulling your boyfriend along with you.

“Does she have a preferable greeting? Should I say hi, or hello, or hey, or maybe yo-wait nobody likes yo,” Luke rambles on.

“She doesn’t care, Luke.”

“I should’ve brought her something.”

“It’s too late now, babe,” you lean up to kiss his cheek, stopping in front of Adia’s elementary school.

“Mommy!” The long haired brunette girl yells, running up to you with a crown on her head.

“Hi princess,” you smile, bending down to kiss the six year old on the cheek and giving her a hug. “This is mommy’s boyfriend, Luke.”

“Hi, Luke,” Adia grins at the tall man. “Do you like princesses?”

“I love princesses,” Luke responds.

“I can tell we’re going to be good friends.”


“Hey Evian, your mom’s going to be home from her vacation in an hour, can you clean up your room?” Michael peeks his head into the sixteen year old’s bedroom.


Michael pulls his head out before sticking it back in. “Is something wrong?”

“Not really,” Evian sighs, turning back to his iPhone.

“Come on, dude,” Michael walks into the room and plops down on the bed next to Evian. “You can tell me, man. We’re buds. Besties. BFFLs.”

Evian lets out a small laugh. “It’s my dad’s death anniversary. Six years now.”

“Oh yeah, sorry, Evian.”

“It’s alright. I don’t mean to offend you, but he’s just my dad… I mean, you are as well, but he helped make me… I’m making it worse,” Evian sighs.

“He’s your biological father,” Michael helps. Evian nods. “It’s okay to be sad about it, Evian. Dads are something special.”

“I’m glad I have you now.” Evian pulls Michael into a hug.


Ashton watches your four year old daughter fondly from his spot on the couch.

She pulls another block out of the box and sets it on top of her tower.

“Can I call you daddy?” Desirae turns to Ashton, batting her thick eyelashes.

“What?” Ashton asks, surprised.

“Daddy,” Desirae repeats stepping closer to Ashton and clutching the front of her dress.

“I mean if your mommy-“”It’s fine,” you say from the doorway of the living room.

You give Ashton a smile, which he returns.

“Daddy and mommy,” Desirae shrieks.

“Yeah, honey. Daddy and mommy,” Ashton repeats, content as you cuddle with him, Desirae climbing into your lap.


“Now I must warn you, this is the first time they’ve met one of my boyfriends since their dad died,” you tell Calum as he enters your house to meet your three children.

“I think I can do this,” Calum replies, half-confidently.

“Mommy you’re home,” your youngest and your only girl, Raley, shrieks, running into the entrance area where you were with Calum. “Mommy who’s that?”

She’s gripping a Barbie doll in her hand and staring at Calum.

“That’s Calum, Raley,” you say to the five year old.

“Is that Sharpay from High School Musical?” Calum points to the Barbie doll.

“My favorite’s Troy!” She squeals, gripping Calum’s hand tightly and pulling him into the living room where the rest of her dolls are.

Thirty minutes later, you call everyone to dinner.

“Calum, these are my sons, Preston, my oldest, and Keaton, my middle child,” you motion to your sons.

“Thirteen and eight?” Calum guesses, hoping his memory was correct from when you told him.

“Yeah,” Preston nods.

“So how do you like secondary school and grade four?” Calum asks.

“What’s secondary school?” Preston asks.

“I’m not in fourth grade,” Keaton says.

“American education is so different than Australian education,” Calum sighs.

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