Child helps with baby name

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You rub your seven month pregnant belly, watching the TV screen where Beauty and the Beast is on.

Your six year old daughter is sitting on the ground, two Barbies in her hands.

"I've got it," Ashton walks into the living room.

The two of you have been at it lately of what to name your baby girl.

You turn your attention towards him. "What?"

"Justice," Ashton grins proudly and you raise your eyebrows.

"Ashton I'm not naming my child something that reminds me of politics every time I think of it," you tell him.

"Mummy, daddy, I've got the new baby's name," Abree turns around, her dirty blonde ponytail falling over her shoulder.

"What is it, baby?" You smile at her.

"Adlaid, after your favorite place in Australia," the young girl smiles at you.

"It's Adelaide, honey," Ashton says, sitting down on the ground next to her.

"I like it," you admit.

"Me too," Ashton agrees.

"Alright, the new baby's name is going to be Adelaide," you state.


You're four months pregnant, and you found out you're having your third boy.

You and Michael sit at the kitchen table, a baby book and two laptops open.

"Justin?" Michael suggests.






"Mummy name him Shane after Shane Haste," your four year old boy, Halden tells you staring at the TV screen where wrestling's on.

"Daddy name him Conan after Conan Stevens," Radley, his twin says.

You exchange a look with Michael. "Shane Conan Clifford?"

"I like it a lot," Michael pulls you into a kiss.


"What about Alex, Jack, Rian, or Zack after All Time Low?" Luke suggests on the couch next to you, wrapping an arm around your six month pregnant stomach.

"They're all too common. I want my kids to have more of an uncommon name," you say.

"Mummy daddy what are you talking about?" Your three year old daughter, Ellery, asks, running into the living room.

Her nightgown swishes around her ankles as she climbs up on the couch next Luke.

"Names for your little brother," Luke answers her.

"What about Lewi?" She asks about the band member from her favorite band, Rixton.

You look at Luke, who looks at you.

"I like it," you admit, resting your head on Luke's shoulder.

"Me too. Alright, Ellery, you win," Luke replies.


You decided for your third child to have your friends and family help you name her, and whoever's name you chose got ten dollars.

"So what suggestions do you guys have?" You ask Calum's band members and your two sons as you sit in the living room together.

"Lucy," Luke suggests.


"Gina," Michael suggests.

"No thanks."

"Xandra," Ashton suggests.


You and Calum look at your two sons.

"Anna," Tamar, your eight year old suggests.

"Sorry Tamar."

"Kiera," Flynn, your five year old suggests.

"I like it," you admit, looking at Calum.

"Me too. Kiera it is," Calum pulls out his wallet, handing Flynn his ten dollars.

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