You're a YouTuber

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You were walking along a street market and ran across a tent which was selling funny T-shirts.

You laughed, pulling your camera out of your bag and picking up one of the shirts. You turn on the recording button, pulling up the shirt into the camera’s lenses.

“Oh my gosh you guys, while I was shopping I found this shirt,” you motion towards the shirt with the words ‘I don’t run, if you see me run, start running’ on it. “I’m getting it!”

You grin into the camera before turning it off and shoving it back into your bag.

You hear a huge gasp behind you and the words, “Breath Calum breath.”

Wait, was that Ashton Irwin’s voice?

“Um, excuse me?” You hear a voice say. You turn around to see Calum Hood from 5 Seconds of Summer standing in front of you.

You give him a smile. “Yeah?”

“Are  you y/YT/n?” He asks you shyly.

“Yes I am,” you adjust the shirt to hang on your arm.

“I’m Calum.”

“I know,” you tell him.

“Do you want to go for a coffee? I mean you don’t have to but-“You laugh, cutting him off.

 “Sure, Calum let me just pay for this shirt first,” you inform him, reaching for your wallet. He stops you from pulling out your money.

“Let me.”


You sigh, facepalming.

“I can’t believe this,” you mutter to yourself.

Oh well, at a time like this the only thing to do is vlog.

You pull your camera out of your bag and turn it on.

“Uh, hey you guys. I was kinda stupid and climbed a tree,” you turn the camera around to show the bark of the wood and leaves. You turn it back to face you. “And now I’m stuck.” You make a face. “Wish me luck.”

You turn it off and return it to your bag.

“Hello?” You hear a voice call from below.

You look down to see a boy with green hair shading his eyes to look up at you.

“Yeah, I’m up here!” You yell back.

“Wait, are you y/YT/n?” He shouts.

“Yeah, can you help me down now?” You ask.

“I will, if…” he starts.

You sigh, just wanting to get out of the tree before you fall and break your face.

“If what?”

“If you go on a date with me,” he shouts back.

You observe the good looking boy, acting as if you were deciding but you already knew your answer.

“Okay. Can you help me down now?”

He laughs. “Yeah.”


“Thank you y/n,” a fan says before walking away.

“No problem!” You call after the girl you just took a picture with.

What you thought was going to be a short shopping trip turned out to be a small fan meet up.

You hear some whispering as you sign another notebook, but choose to ignore it as you think it’s just some fans whispering about you.

You grin up at the girl whose notebook you signed as she walks away.

“Um, y/n?” A voice asks awkwardly.

You look up to see Luke Hemmings from 5 Seconds of Summer standing in front of you.

“Oh hi,” you smile at him.

“Can I get a picture please? I’m a small fan,” he shuffles in uncomfortablness.

“Sure,” You take the picture with him.

“He’s not just a small fan, y/n!” You hear another voice that sounds like Michael shout out, “he carries your photo in his wallet!”

“He has a thousand photos of you saved on his phone!” Calum shouts out.

“He checks your YouTube channel everyday for a new video!” Ashton joins in.

“Shut up, mates!” Luke blushes embarrassed.

You laugh. “There’s no need to get embarrassed, I think you’re cute. I mean, I think that’s cute what you do but you’re cute too-“”Do you wanna go out with me?” Luke interrupts you suddenly.

“Sure,” You grin, relieved that your awkwardness has stopped.

And that you have a date with Luke Hemmings.


You stop at a bench. You were currently street shopping and were starting to get tired.

“OH MY GOSH IT’S y/YT/n!” You hear a female voice scream.

“LAUREN! GET BACK HERE!” You hear another voice shout, male this time.

“Hi,” a voice suddenly giggles from behind you.

You giggle as well, turning around to see a tall, pretty brunette standing with her phone out.

“Hi,” you say.

“Lauren! Don’t run off like that,” a tall, good looking young man runs up to the two of you, scolding the girl.

“Great, Ashton you’re here!” She shoves her phone at him and turns to you. “Can I take a picture with you?”

“Sure.” The boy or ‘Ashton’ takes the picture, then gives the phone back to Lauren.

He turns to you. “I’m sorry, she gets really excited.”

“It’s fine,” You smile at him.

He returns to smile and sticks out his hand. “I’m Ashton.”

“I’m y/n,” you reply, shaking his hand.

“Um, we have to go but can I get your number, maybe?” He rubs the back of his neck awkwardly.


That night you had a date with Ashton Irwin.

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