Slam Poem (Luke)

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Sam Sax: Essay on Crying in Public

This is for a cheating motherfucker

I'm bent over the sidewalk

Weeping outside the theater

You stand above me horse built from a father's beer cans and it's my fault

Always is

You said do what you will when your will was done so what


You stand, bent over the sidewalk tears streaming down your face.

The smell of smoke reaches your nose and you can feel a few guys' eyes on you from where they're standing on the other side of the doors, smoking.

You let out another sob, covering your mouth.

A presence falls over you. "I'm sorry if it upset you. It was supposed to be a joke."

The 5 Seconds of Summer band members made a play and decided to have a scene of them going to a strip club. Girls, or actresses, were kissing and grinding on Luke, your boyfriend of nine months, making you hugely upset.

"It's fine. It's my fault for coming." You stand up, meeting his blue eyes for a second before looking back down to the wet concrete. "It always is."

"You can cry all you want," Luke tells you.

I was born drunk and mean with my teeth knocked out

So what

 I was born crying and I've been going strong ever since


"As soon as I was born I was put on loopy gas," you tell one of the smoking boys' once Luke's gone back inside to finish the play. This boy has a blue strip in his quiff. "I kicked the doctor as soon as I was born. I apparently tried to bite her as well, but I had no teeth. I was born crying. I can cry now."

That other girl has a name

I hate that

She has a mouth and a fixed gear bike

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