He gets home from tour (Positive reaction)

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You pull the pink knit hat further down on your five year old daughter’s head. She holds the string of a balloon in her hand, a big smile on her face.

The two of you are waiting outside at the airport, waiting for your husband and Eva’s dad, Calum, to arrive home from tour.

“Where’s daddy, mummy?” She asks you for the millionth time.

You’re irritated, but you grin, because you were excited to see your husband too.

“He’s going to be here soon honey,” you tell her.

“My two favorite girls!” A call comes from behind the two of you.

You turn around to see Calum running full speed towards the two of you. He drops his suitcases and pulls you into his arms, giving you a passionate kiss on the lips.

He bends down and picks Eva up bridal style, kissing all over her face. She giggles and squeals.

“I missed you, daddy,” Eva giggles.

“I missed you too, princess. I missed you as well, Y/N,” Calum balances Eva on his hip and wraps his arm around you, planting a kiss onto your cheek.

“Daddy, I’ve got a plan for when we get home! We’re going to roast marshmallows while watching Frozen and then we’ll built a pillow fort…” You zone out of what your daughter was saying, perfectly continent with your family.


You stood outside of your car next to Luke, holding his hand.

You were excited and happy since Luke got home from tour.

The two of you were currently waiting outside of your fourteen year old daughter’s school, waiting for her to walk out.

You watch her exit the building with her friends.

Rae’s eyes immediately attach to you and Luke.

Her face breaks into a smile and she runs down the pavement towards the two of you. Luke laughs, pushing off of the car and holding his arms open for Rae to jump into.

She drops her backpack a few feet away from him and jumps into his arms.

You watch as they hug each other tightly and whisper “I missed you” and “I love you”s.

“Mum come join in,” Rae tells you, tears pooling in her eyes. You smile, walking forwards and joining the family hug.

“My beautiful family,” you murmur.

“Yeah. If only we had someone to complete it,” Rae hints.

Rae and Luke have been wanting another child since Rae turned three, but labor was really hard for you with Rae.

They give you hopeful looks and you think about how much you love Rae already, and how having another would bring your family even closer.

You sigh. “Fine.”



You make out with Michael in the kitchen, making up for all the lost time when he was on tour and when you had to take care of the kids.

“Hey mum- oh, man, gross!” Alexia shrieks as she walks into the kitchen.

“What happened?” Damon walks in after her. You and Michael have already parted by then.

“I think my eyes are burned, Damon, you might have to take me to the hospital,” Alexia says dramatically, dropping to the floor.

“Hi dad!” Damon yells, stepping over Alexia to get to Michael. He hugs him.

“Hi, kid,” Michael laughs.

Alexia’s up by now and she pushes Damon away from Michael. “Hi dad,” she gives him a hug.

“Hey child o’ mine,” Michael grins.

Damon pushes Alexia over a bit so he can join the hug too.

“Come here, mum, join the party!” Alexia giggles.

You smile but join the family hug.

Your family.


“Mummy I want a puppy,” your two and a half year old son, Marcus, tells you as he plays with his trains.

“Oh do you now?” You look up from your phone at him.

“Yeah mummy. Puppy and daddy,” Marcus says.

“I’ll see what I can do,” you smirk.


“Marcus, do you want to get the door?” You ask him.

He nods, standing up and hobbling over to the front door.

He opens it, revealing Ashton in a puppy costume. Marcus squeals and Ashton laughs, reaching down and picking him up into his arms.

“I heard you wanted daddy and puppy, so I got you both,” Ashton jokes.

“Daddy!” Marcus wraps his arms around Ashton’s neck.

“And a puppy,” you add.

What am I doing with my life?

So Ashton's puppy costume is to the side...

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