He calls/texts you in class

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You were currently in social studies, taking notes when your phone started ringing.

You close your eyes and sigh, knowing your teacher’s policy.

If your phone rang in class you had to answer it in front of the whole class.

You open your eyes and slowly get out of your chair, heading to the front of the classroom to stand next to your teacher Mr. Barry.

You pull your phone out of your pocket and answer it, seeing the contact as your boyfriend, Michael.

You put it on speaker for the class to hear.

“Hey,” you answer.

“Hey babe. So I’m currently at the store and was wondering if you needed anything,” Michael’s voice rings from the phone.

It’s not too bad so far but your face was getting redder by the second.

“I don’t need anything,” you tell him.

“Do you need any pads or tampons? They’re on sale, two for four dollars,” he informs you.

The class starts to giggle and you blush deeper. “I don’t need anything, really Michael.”

“Are you sure? You were just crying this morning because your bagel got burnt. I’ll just get some anyways, so we’re stocked up when you do get Ms. Flow,” Michael states.

“Okay,” you say quietly.

“By the way, I’m getting condoms. Do you want a specific brand?” He asks you.

“I don’t care, Michael.”

“They have flavors, do you want to try flavored condoms? They have coconut, banana, strawberry, grape,” he starts to read.

“Michael just get a pack of condoms. I have to go,” you snap.

“Alright, see you at home darling. Bye, I love you.”

“Love you too.” You hang up.


Your phone vibrates with another text from your boyfriend, Ashton, who had just gotten home from tour.

He was resting at home while you were in college, currently in your English class.

“Alright whose phone was that? Was that yours, Y/N?” Your English teacher, Ms. Hart asks.

You nod slowly.

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