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"Where's the remote?" Ashton asks, plopping down next to you on the couch.

"Behind me," you reply, your eyes focusing on the Tumblr blog in front of you.

Ashton reaches behind your body, his hand brushing against your side.

You squeal, moving towards the couch back.

Your boyfriend smirks. "Is somebody ticklish?"

"No- Ashton- don't you dare-"Your protests get cut off by your giggles as Ashton reaches forward, tickling your sides.

You lean back against the couch, trying to get away from the attacks.

"Ash- Ash please sto-op-"your laptop slides off your lap, landing on the wooden floor with a thud.

Both you and Ashton sit up, suddenly serious.

You gasp, leaning down to grab the cracked screen laptop.

"I'm so sorry Y/N," Ashton apologizes, "I'll buy you a new laptop I swear."

"It's okay Ash," you sigh, examining the laptop for any other damage. "We can get it fixed."


"Thank you for doing this with me," you say to your boyfriend of a year, sitting in chairs next to each other.

"It's no problem. I'm sorry all of your friends ditched on you," Luke gives you a sympathetic look which you shrug off.

"Their loss," you raise your attached hands to kiss his.

Luke suddenly starts squirming and giggling out of control.

You look down to his feet to see the Asian man rubbing Luke's right foot with the foot scraper.

"That- tickles!" Luke laughs.

The pedicurist smiles and moves onto Luke's left foot, which he wriggles out of the man's grip.

Finally, the man finally gets Luke's dead skin scraped off and leaves Luke in tears.

"That was ticklish," Luke smiles at you.

"Really?" You laugh.


You watch from the doorway as Michael tries to coax your fifteen year old daughter out from under her blanket.

She came home yesterday crying because she got an F on the project she spent nine hours working on, and found out her boyfriend was cheating on her with her best friend.

"Emmy, please? Can you please get up for a shower and something to eat? We can go out for a movie later, if you want. Just mom, you, and me," Michael rubs what the two of you assume is her back (you can't tell since she's under her blanket).

"Jerome can stay home or go with, whatever you want, Emmalyn," you say to her gently about her brother.

"No. Just leave me to die of sadness," her stuffed up voice responds.

"Come on, Em. You've got the rest of the quarter to make up for it, and there's always a next boyfriend," Michael clenches his teeth at the mention of a boyfriend.

Emmalyn remains silent.

"I know what'll make you feel better," Michael smiles. "The tickle monster!"

He reaches forward to tickle her sides and her giggles shriek through the air.

"Okay! Okay dad," Emmalyn pulls the blanket so her red face shows. "I've been wanting to see Nemo 4."

She gives you two a shy smile.

"I'll go make chicken for dinner," you smile at the mention of your daughter's favorite meal.


"So Luke just told me something interesting," you walk into the living room with a smirk on your face, spotting Calum sitting on the couch.

"What?" Your boyfriend doesn't remove his eyes from the TV.

You slowly approach him, which makes him move his eyes from the TV to give you a suspicious look.

Suddenly you dash forward, landing with your legs on his lap.

Your arms reach forward and you tickle his sides, making him squeal.

"Y/N stop it!" He hollers through his laughter.

You have to stop a while later after laughing so hard yourself.

"I'm going to kill Luke," Calum says, leaning forward to kiss you.

Or so you thought.

He tickles you instead.

Why did the cow cross the road?
To get to the udder side

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