Telling the kids you're pregnant

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Calum: two years later

You walk into the dining room with a cake, sharing a sneaky smile with Calum.

Only you and him know what’s written on the cake.

You set the cake down in front of the fifteen year old boy, ten year old boy, seven year old girl, and three year old boy.

“What does it say?” Hayden asks his older siblings.

“Seriously?” Preston asks, looking up with a wide smile.

“What does it say?” Hayden repeats.

“It says that there’s going to be seven of us now,” Keaton tells the three year old.

“Mom’s pregnant!” Raley yells.


Luke: three months later

“Do you guys want to play a board game?” You ask your husband and two daughters.

“Sure,” Isa replies.

“How about Scrabble?” You suggest.

Luke stands up and grabs it from the closet.

You all cluster around the box and Luke pulls the top off.

There, the letters are taped.

Welcome child number three

“Seriously?” Luke looks up at you.

You giggle and nod and he pulls you into a hug.

“Another sibling,” Isa laughs.

“I hope it’s a girl,” Adia says.

Michael: one year later

“Evian… you know how you asked me for a baby sister on our wedding day?” You ask your now seventeen year old son.


“Do you still want her?” You ask.

“Yeah, definitely.”

“I want a sister!” Garrett walks into the room, followed by Will and Michael.

Michael looks at you with a smile, knowing what you’re going to tell Evian.

“Me too!” Will exclaims.

“Good. Because you’re there’s half of a chance that you’re one,” you tell them with a smile.

“You’re pregnant?” Evian asks, smiling.


“I can’t wait for these nine months to be over,” Evian says as he pulls you into a hug.

Ashton: one year later

“This is a long walk,” Desirae pants as you walk across the field.

Blaise stops to bend down so Desirae can jump on her back.

“This is the last clue, Des,” Ashton reminds her, grasping your hand in his.

You walk up to the tree that holds the last clue.

Blaise grabs it from the tree and hands it to Desirae. “Why don’t you read it, Des?”

Blaise loves Desirae, she absolutely adores her.

“Mom… is… pregnant,” Desirae reads slowly.

“Seriously?” Blaise asks excitedly.

You and Ashton laugh but nod.

“What does that mean?” Desirae asks confused.

“You’re going to have a little brother or sister, Des,” Blaise tells her excitedly.

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