Horror movies

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You sit alone in the living room of your apartment, watching some stupid horror movie.

“No, don’t go in there,” you warn the teenage girl on the screen who decides to disobey your orders and opens the closet door.

“Shit,” you scream, even though you already knew the crazy clown psychopath was in the closet.

He jumps out at her and beheads the girl.

The bowl of popcorn in your hands flies everywhere and you pause the movie, sulking at the loss of your popcorn.

“That’s enough for tonight,” you stand up, walking towards your bedroom without even turning the TV off.

You slip into bed and ten minutes slowly pass, then twenty, and finally an hour.

The image of the scary clown flashes through your head and you reach for your phone, calling Calum, your boyfriend.

“Babe I’m scared,” you tell him as he answers the phone.

“What? What’s wrong?” You hear him shuffling.

“Just come over,” you start to feel embarrassed as it’s eleven at night.

Calum does enter your apartment twenty minutes after your phone call, though, and lays down on your bed to cuddle with you.

“Why are you scared? And why was there popcorn on the ground in the living room and your TV on?” He bombards you with questions.

“It was a horrifying movie, Cal,” you turn around to rest your face in his chest.

“Don’t worry babe, I’ll protect you.”


“Hey guys, Michael’s watching a scary movie so we’re just going to scare him,” you say to your camera, grinning at it and pulling on your clown mask.

You were a famous YouTuber, and as soon as you saw Michael was watching a scary movie, you knew you had to take the opportunity to scare him.

You hold your camera to be in front of you and walk quietly to the living room where Michael was anxiously watching the horror movie.

“Bitch I told you not to go into the barn,” he groans.

He screams as a character with a costume close to yours pops up on the screen and you wait until he stops screaming to yell from behind him.

He turns around and lets out a girly shriek, falling onto the ground.

You burst into a breathless laughter, having to bend over from laughing too hard.

Not you or your viewers ever let Michael get away with that girl scream.



“The scary part is coming up,” you mumble, burying your face in Ashton’s chest.

You hear some noises.

“It’s over, babe,” Ashton tells you.

You look up to see one of the main characters getting brutally stabbed.

“No it’s not, Ashton Fletcher Irwin you liar!” You scream, moving to the other side of the couch and crossing your arms.

“Oh come on babe,” he giggles, leaning over to pull you onto his lap.

You fight him though, to stay in your current position.

Somehow he ends up on top of you and tickling you.

“Stop it, Ash,” you say through giggles.

“There’s that smile I love,” he grins at you.



“This movie sucks,” you yell, throwing popcorn at the screen in the movie theater.

“Why is she being stupid? You should never go towards suspicious noises,” Luke hollers from besides you, throwing some popcorn at the screen too.

“Ma’am, sir, I’m afraid I’ll have to ask you to leave the movie theater,” an usher says, pointing a flashlight at the two of you.

“Great, this movie was terrible to watch anyways,” you stand up and make you way to the aisle.

“Hey now we can go have sex babe,” Luke slaps your butt.

“Let’s just hope that chick from the movie doesn’t show up,” you joke, “she goes towards suspicious noises.”

I loved Luke's xD

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