Sibling's speech at your wedding

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"When I first met Y/N, I met her in the worst way possible. I had to ask Ashton a question and I heard some noises from his bedroom but I opened the door anyways and-"Lauren shudders at the memory and you blush, letting out an embarrassed giggle.

The other wedding guests laugh as well.

Even Anne laughs.

"Once they, um, finished and got dressed I properly met her. A week later we went shopping together for Ashton's birthday. I immediately knew she was a keeper when she got All Time Low lyrics engraved into drumsticks. And I immediately knew he wouldn't let her go when she gave him the drumsticks. The look he gave her was admiration and an emotion I couldn't put my finger on."

Ashton and you exchange loving looks.

"They do little things for each other that affect their relationship more than big things. Picking up a chocolate bar on the way home from work. Folding his laundry so he won't have to do it."

Lauren pauses so everyone could soak in her words.

"I was there when Ashton proposed to her. When she said yes and Ashton swept her into a kiss, I finally pinpointed what that emotion was.

"It's passion. They're so passionate for each other and they're so willing to do anything for each other. It's so wonderful that they found each other. They love each other more than anything in the world. I couldn't have asked for anyone better to marry my brother," Lauren smiles at you and you smile back.


"When I first met Y/N, I couldn't find anything wrong with her," Mali-Koa starts her speech.

Everyone laughs at her starting statement, even you and Calum.

"I searched and searched but I couldn't find anything wrong with this girl. Finally, when I asked her she said that she buries her bad traits deep inside so she comes off as confident when really she's a shitty insecure girl. Of course Calum heard and reassured her that she was perfect no matter what," Mali rolls her eyes.

The wedding crowd laughs again.

"They're such a cheesy couple that it makes me cringe. Long walks on the beach. Feeding each other grapes. Going on ice cream dates. Gazing lovingly into each other's eyes. But I guess that's what makes their love work," Mali smiles a fond smile at the end of her speech.


"I've always been protective of Y/N, whether it be for friends, school, or relationships," your brother starts his speech.

"And when she told us she was bringing Michael home to meet us I put my guard up extra high. She had just gotten out of a breakup with this asshole who I thought was a nice guy. She brought Michael home and he seemed nice, but Tyler seemed nice as well."

Y/B/N narrows his eyes at the mention of Tyler and the wedding guests laugh.

"He pulled her chair out for her at dinner, said please and thank you to mom and dad, and was very polite throughout the dinner. But I didn't trust him yet. I only trusted him when they got home from their fifth date. He wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her, pulling back only to stare into her eyes.

"And I saw something in his eyes that I didn't see in Tyler's. Sincerity and love. In that moment I knew he cared for her more than anything in the world. And that's why we're standing here today, because without their love for each other they would be nothing," your brother's just about to set the microphone down when he had something else to say. "Oh and please don't have kids anytime soon, I'm only Y/B/A."


"When Y/N told me she and Luke were getting married, I was so relieved. I was relieved that all the work they put into their relationship wouldn't be for nothing. They've been through a lot together, from a six year long relationship to a daughter," your sister pauses to take a deep breath.

"One thing I've always imagined is Jaiden noticing the small things you do in your relationship. Y/N picking up a new guitar pick on her day off for Luke. Luke buying white roses, Y/N's favorite, just to see her smile. The corny jokes they Google to make each other laugh. How their laugh makes each other's day. And then take those things and putting them in her own marriage.

"Y/N asked me to be her maid of honor exactly two months before today. I almost hit her by how much she scared me. She asked me by jumping out from behind a door. I had to say yes though, because even being a part of this wedding is honorable. Being a part of your life is honorable," your sister's speech ends and she smiles at you and your husband.

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