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"I'm home," you shout, getting home from work.

"Hi mommy," your five year old daughter, Paige, walks into the entrance area greeting you with a grin.

"Hi honey," you smile back at her.

She turns back around, her brunette pigtails swinging before you stop her.

Your eyes focus on her mouth and you walk closer to examine it. "Is that chocolate ice cream?"

"Mommy's home!" Your seven year old daughter, River, shouts, running into the entrance area as well.

"You too, huh honey?" You smile at her, seeing the chocolate ice cream on her face.

"It was daddy's idea," River sacrifices her dad before darting up the stairs, her sister on her heels.

"I thought I told you not to give the girls any dessert before dinner?" You ask your husband, walking into the kitchen.

"I don't like to see my girls in sugar distress," Ashton smiles up at you from the stove.


"Luke," you whisper softly, your eyes connected to the electronic device in your hand.

"What?" He turns to you.

"Y/B/F just told everyone," you admit to him.

"Told what?"

"That I'm pregnant," you remind him.

"And everyone's mad?" Luke asks.

"Who wouldn't be? I'm still in high school, Luke," you run a hand through your hair.

"Come here babe," Luke pulls you into his chest. "We can handle this. For us and this baby."


It's always suspicious to come home from work to a silent house.

Especially when your boyfriend has three rambunctious best friends.

You walk down the hall to the bedroom you share with Calum, ready to change, cuddle with your boyfriend, and tell him about your day.

You slowdown in the hallway, hearing pants and moans.

Your heart shatters as you look up to see your boyfriend in bed.


With another girl.

You're about to gasp but cover your mouth, not wanting to be seen or heard.

You don't want that asshole to see you breaking.

Instead you write him a note, instructing him to be out on Saturday from 5-7 when you will get your stuff. You'll bring your baseball bat and overprotective best friends, just in case.


"Y/N," Luke bumps into your stroller while you're street shopping.

"Hi Luke," you smile at your ex-boyfriend's best friend.

"Y/N," Michael greets you less excitedly.

"Hello Michael," you smile at him anyways.

"Is this the baby?" Luke asks bending down to smile at the seven month old in the seat of the stroller.


"So this is what messed up our relationship, huh?" Michael bends down to look as well.

"He's my son, Michael," you sigh.

"A son you made with a different man while we were still in a relationship," Michael reminds you.

"Michael it happened. Please don't remind me every time you see me. Having Caelan reminds me every day," you sass your ex-boyfriend.

"His name's Caelan?" Michael continues to stare at the baby.

"Caelan Malcolm Y/L/N," you state his full name.

"Why didn't you use his last name?" Michael refers to your one night stand.

"He doesn't care enough. He's more my son than he will ever be that man's," you tell him.

Happy Father's Day! I think it's for everywhere? Or maybe just America and Britain.

No joke this preference, I'm in a rush. I still have one more story to edit and post before my grandparents get here.

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