You adopt a kid (Michael & Ashton)

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Note: There will be an imagine of this for all of the boys. They're pretty long though so I decided to split them into two at a time.


After many years of trying for kids and many miscarriages, your husband Michael and you decided to just adopt.

You walked into the adoption center nervously, gripping Michael’s hand tightly.

He rubs your knuckles soothingly, trying to calm your nerves.

“How may I help you?” The lady behind the desk asks.

“We’re looking to adopt,” Michael tells her.

“Is there a specific gender you’re looking for or a specific age range?” The lady asks.

“Nope,” Michael answers.

“The kids are in that room,” the lady points to a door off to the side.

You two walk slowly towards the door and open it, walking inside.

You guessed it was adoption hours because couples were talking to the kids in the room while who you guessed were the helpers watched from afar.

You turn towards Michael who was already looking at you.

He lets go of your hand and walks towards a big group of kids in the middle of the room.

You sigh and look around.

You spot a little boy in the playing with Legos.

The little boy has dirty blonde hair and dark blue eyes, he looks to be about eight years old.

You walk towards him. “Can I sit here?” You ask, pointing to the spot next to him.

“Sure,” he mumbles quietly.

You sit down on the ground and watch him quietly for a while. “What’s your name?”

“Kristoff.” He looks up. “What’s yours?”

“My name’s Y/N. How old are you, Kristoff?” You smile at him.

He gives you a shy smile back. “I’m eight.”

“So what’s the story?” You ask him.

His smile falters. “Well my mum died-“”No, not that story, silly,” you interrupt him. You motion towards the Legos in front of him. “The Lego story!”

“What do you mean?” He asks confused.

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