Parents don't like him

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You dreamily close the door after your boyfriend, a smile plastered on your face.

You turn around to face your family that's sitting in the living room.

"So what'd you think of him?" You ask them, positive they'd have kind responses.

"He's... nice," your mom says in a tone that you know isn't good.

Your smile flutters. "Is that all?"

Your mom and dad exchange looks.

Finally your mom answers you. "Well, honey, we couldn't notice the size difference between the two of you."

"He towers over you, it's like a skyscraper next to a trailer," your dad interrupts your mom's kind act.

"You know, you guys are supposed to be teaching me not to judge others. Not the other way around," you snap before storming to your room.


You were grocery shopping with your family and you were passing the magazine racks on your way to the check out.

"Hey Y/N isn't this your boyfriend?" Your sister stops you all, picking up a teeny bopper (A/N: idk why I love that phrase so much) looking magazine with a blurry picture of your boyfriend and some girl on the front. The phrase 'is Luke cheating?!' is plastered on the front.

You roll your eyes at the magazine, and your sister flips to the page it says the article's on.

More pictures show up of Luke and the 'mystery girl', even though you know it's his cousin.

"Why is your boyfriend with another girl?" Your mom asks, concerned for your well-being and looking at the pictures.

"It's his cousin, mom," you answer, drooling over the next magazine with Tom Hiddleston on the cover.

"Why would he let them publish a magazine like that?" Your dad asks, having no clue how the celebrity world works.

"He has no control over that dad," you answer, picking up the Tom magazine.

"I don't like it," your mom grumbles as you all walk away.


"So is your hair always like that?" Your dad asks over dinner to Michael.

You brought your family and your boyfriend out to a restaurant to meet each other.

Your mom glares at your dad, angered that he would even think asking that is appropriate.

"Yeah, it's always this way," Michael feels his red hair.

"Why don't you style it?" Your dad asks. "Or dye it a natural color? You could get a real job then."

"Dad," you hiss, "watch your attitude."

"I'm just saying singing's not always going to get you by," your dad stares at you like he didn't just say something completely rude.

"Michael, honey, let's go," you stand up, grabbing your purse. "I'm sorry my dad doesn't know his manners."


"So why did you move in with my daughter without consulting me first?" Your newly widowed, and newly overprotective mother, asks your boyfriend, Calum.

"I'm sorry, ma'am. I thought it would be alright," Calum apologizes.

"I need my kids around as much as possible. It seems like you're taking my little girl away from me," your mom narrows her eyes at the nineteen year old.

"I apologize for that, Mrs. Y/L/N. I love Y/N, as well, and I want to spend as much time with her as possible. But if it's hurting you, then you can have her more often," Calum smiles at her nervously.

"I will," she sassily walks away.

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