Takes care of kids on his own

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"Okay, you can do this Ash, you can do this," he takes a deep breath, waiting for his sixteen year old daughter to arrive home from school.

You died three months ago, leaving him to be a single parent in charge of a teenage daughter.

While he tries his best, he struggles between his celebrity status job and his small family.

Amaryllis walks through the front door, stilettos thundering on the hardwood floor.

"Amaryllis can you come here, please?" Ashton requests her presence in the kitchen.

She walks in and Ashton immediately sucks in a breath at her tight fitting shirt and short shorts.

He doesn't say anything though, knowing that if you were here and he did scold her about her appearance, you would defend your daughter in an instant.

"We need to talk about your grades," he says as soon as she sits down.

She raises her eyebrows at him.

"I checked them this morning. You're getting three Fs and two Ds," Ashton states, gaining more confidence.

"I'm surprised you even noticed," she spits back, checking her stubby nails.

He sighs. He's been getting comments like this ever since your death.

"Mar, your mother-""Do not call me that," her head snaps up suddenly, making eye contact with her father. "And don't bring mom into this."

"But ever since your mom died you've changed-""Of course I've changed," Amaryllis shouts, standing up, setting her hands on the table.

The wooden chair falls to the ground with a thud, but neither of them pay attention.

"How would you react if your best friend died?" She hollers.

"My best friend did die," Ashton protests.

"Obviously not, you haven't changed a bit."

"Because eventually everything goes back to normal, Amaryllis-""No, it can't be that way!" Tears suddenly start streaming down the teenager's face. "Nothing's going to be normal ever again because my best friend, my mother, the only person who would take time to listen to me is gone, she's dead dad don't you get it? She's fucking dead."


"Look at this babe," Calum gathers your attention from where you're grabbing your purse.

You turn to watch him make a silly face at your month old son, whose face turns into a smile and starts giggling.

You smile at the bond between your husband and your son. "I have to go to the store, we barely have anything in the fridge."

Calum's eyes snap up to meet yours, and his mouth turns into an 'o'. "So I'm going to be left here alone?"

"No, you're going to have Jonah," you smile, motioning to the baby.

"What if I accidently hurt him while you're gone? Or worse, kill him?" Calum asks, worriedly.

"You're not, Cal. I trust you," you give a reassuring smile before leaving.

"Well it's just me and you, bub," Calum smiles at your baby boy.

Jonah smiles back, giggling at his dad.

You arrive home forty minutes later, walking inside to find Jonah asleep in Calum's arms.

"How'd it go?" You whisper to your husband.

"You should leave us home alone more often," Calum smiles at you.


Michael lays in bed, covered by the dark.

He's been like this for five days, ever since he found your note when he got home from work.

You had explained how you didn't like having five kids, especially not in the limelight where you were criticized for everything you did. You also said how you lost feelings for Michael and how you didn't want to see his face when you crushed his heart.

Tears about to spill out of his eyes for the tenth time since five days ago when his door opens.

His eyes flicker to the bright light and a timid four year old is standing there.

"Daddy, I don't wanna bother you-""You never bother me, sweet pea," Michael tries to smile at his oldest daughter.

Hanna walks forward hesitantly, reaching her father's bedside. "I just wanted to see if you're alright, daddy."

"Dad," Milo, the seven year old calls from the doorway, "when is mommy coming home?"

Michael swallows a lump in his throat, not sure what to say. A voice in the back of his head says that it's time, and he agrees. "Call the rest of your siblings in here."

He sits up, pulling Hanna onto his lap.

Milo enters the room again, his three other siblings following him.

Harrison, the three year old, climbs onto the bed, burying his face in the crook of Michael's arm.

Ryker, the nine year old and oldest, sets the youngest child, one year old Felicity down on the bed.

He sits down on the bedside, grabbing his younger sister's arm gently.

"Kids," Michael takes a deep breath, examining his five kids watching him concerned. "Your mom isn't coming home."

"Why not?" Ryker asks quietly.

"She doesn't feel the need to," Michael smiles sadly, rubbing Hanna's back reassuringly.

"I want mommy," Harrison cries out in despair.

"I know, kiddo," Michael ruffles his hair in affection. "But it's just us now."


"Come here baby," Luke pulls the one and a half year old girl into his arms.

"You got her?" You ask, concerned already about your daughter.

"Yeah," Luke laughs.

You stand back, watching the pair. "Are you sure you can take care of her for six months?"

Your job wanted you to go on a business trip for six months. You'll be working a lot so you can't take care of your daughter, November, so instead she's going on tour with her dad and your fiancé.

"Don't worry, babe," Luke pulls you into a half hug, and you raise a hand to put on your daughter.

Since you took care of the little girl for most of the time she's lived, you're very nervous.

"Mommy's leaving now, baby," you coo to November.

She giggles, reaching out to touch your cheek.

You reach up, kissing her cheek. "I love you, baby." You turn to your lover, kissing him on the lips. "Take care of her, babe. I love you."

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