Using Slang with your kids

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Slang is like: twerk, swag, OTP, feels, ship, I can't even asdfghjkl


“JOSIE WHAT ARE YOU DOING?” You yell at your sixteen year old daughter who was dancing as you walk into your daughter’s room, who was blasting some rap music.

“I’m hipping, mum,” she tells you annoyed.

“That wasn’t hipping!” You exclaim.

“What even is hipping?” Ashton, your husband asks from behind you.

“It’s when you move your bum around,” Josie explains.

“That’s twerking,” you sigh.

“What kind of word is twerking, mum? It’s hipping,” Josie sighs as well.

“What kind of word is hipping?” You bicker back.

“Let’s just call it shaking your bum and move on?” Ashton suggests.

“Stay out of this, Ash!” You yell the same time Josie yells, “Stay out of this, dad!”

He throws his hands up and walks down the hall. “I can never win with you two!”


You stand besides your husband Calum, Luke, and Luke’s wife as you watch your kids play in the yard.

You watch as Luke’s ten year old son, Connor, give your eight year old daughter, Nina, a daisy.

“I totally ship it,” you say as you lean against Calum’s chest. He wraps his arms around your waist.

“Mummy what does ship mean?” Nina asks as she walks up to the four of you.

“It’s like when you like two people together,” you explain to her, taking the flower out of her hand and placing it behind her ear.

“So you like me and Connor together?” Nina questions you.

You nod.

She wrinkles her nose and hugs your torso. “Boys have cooties.”

“Yes they do, let’s keep away from them,” Calum cuts in.


“OTP! OTP!” You scream as you watching the new episode of World’s Strictest Parents.

Those two troublesome teens belong together.

“Mum, what’s an OTP?” Your fourteen year old daughter, Marissa, asks, walking into the room with your seventeen year old son, Jordan.

“OTP stands for one true pairing, it’s when you ship two people together immensely,” you explain, keeping your eyes connected to the TV screen.

“What does ship mean?” Jordan asks you.

You sigh, just wanting to watch your show. “Go Google it.”

“What’s Google?” Your five year old daughter, Penelope, questions as she walks in with your husband Luke.

“These kids don’t understand!” You exclaim, looking at Luke.

You throw yourself onto the couch. “I CAN’T EVEN!”

“Don’t question it, just leave,” Luke whispers to your kids, pushing them out of the room.


“Mum, about your last tweet,” your fifteen year old son, Vince, says as he walks with his phone into the kitchen were you and your husband, Michael were.

You choke on the hot chocolate you were drinking before swallowing it.

“You follow me on Twitter?” You ask Vince.

“Yeah,” he shrugs, “anyway, you say, and I quote, ‘Zac Efron is still asdfghjkl.’ What does that mean?”

“It’s sorta like my feels are exploding,” you try to explain.

“What are feels?” Vince questions you.

You sigh, shaking your head before standing up and putting your cup in the sink.

“This kid needs to learn the oldies, Mikey,” You kiss your husband on the cheek before walking out of the kitchen.

What's your favorite?

My favorite is probably Luke's.

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