Your dog dies

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“We have to put him down on Saturday.” Your dad’s voice rings through your head.

You slowly crumble, your walls falling down.

Tears stream down your face, gasps for air panting out.

“Y/N? Baby, baby, what’s wrong?” Ashton rushes into the bedroom, capturing you in a hug.

“He’s going to be gone, Ash. He’s going to die,” you pant out.


You stand in the corner of the vet’s room, your dog standing.

Tears stream down your mom’s face, you being the only one to accompany her to the vet’s office to put your dog of five years down.

You watch as the vet sticks the needle in his leg, him not even bothering to put up a fight.

Slowly, your already crying form breaks down into more sobs.

You watch as he falls slowly to the ground, but keeping his eyes open.

And you walk forward, leaning down to pet his soft fur.

You watch him as he stills.

“He’s gone,” the vet announces softly.


Your eyes flick around the house, spotting the evidence of the dog that you put down not even an hour ago.

His food bowl.

His toys.

His treats.

His blanket.

Bits of hair.

And you break down into tears.


“I heard what happened to Y/D/G, I’m sorry,” a girl from your school gives you a sympathetic smile.

“Don’t,” you tell her, shaking your head.

“Don’t what?” She asks confused.

“Don’t act like it was your fault, because it wasn’t. Unless you were the one who gave him his medical faults, then you don’t apologize. Don’t act like you care, because you didn’t know him. You don’t love him like I do. So shut the fuck up, and keep your sympathy to your fucking self.”

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