3: History

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(A/N: in the previous chapter, I had used [F/N]. Another reminder: [F/N] means "fake name." In this chapter, I'll be using [Name] as your real name. So quick summary: [F/N] = "a fake name that you've chosen to temporarily call yourself" while [Name] = "Your real name... your beautiful, lovely name.")

~Few weeks ago~

[Name] was going to go to Ikebukuro, Japan today. She was sitting in an aircraft, making herself comfortable in her Business Class seat. It was 7:00 pm in America and it was dark outside; therefore she couldn't look out to see the fields and paved roads of where the planes land and take off. She found looking out windows a very good time-waster; moreover, she was very easily entertained. So why was she going to go to Ikebukuro? – Because she wanted to start war. Yes, the answer isn't so plain like, "Just going to visit" or "I just want to meet this Headless Rider" or anything you had expected it to be (unless you did expect that answer) [Name] smirked treacherously as she took out her laptop from her [Favorite color] backpack, which was underneath her feet. [Name] didn't like traveling with her bag above her head where it normally should stay in an aircraft; she preferred her belongings to be with her at all times, even if they were safe in the plane. She turned on her laptop and opened a word file which she had named "Dear laptop" and had typed the following:

'Dear laptop,

I'm going to Ikebukuro! – But of course, you're my laptop, surely you knew that? But do you know why I'm going to Ikebukuro? No? Of course you don't, you couldn't know, you're a laptop! But you want to know, right? Of course you do, because I have an interesting story to share as to why I'm going to this crazy city so bear with me as I type this story to you.

It started more than 20 years ago. Yes, the reason why I'm going to Ikebukuro is because of what happened more than 20 years ago; before I was born. My mother, a beautiful and wicked woman such as myself was going to travel to France for:

1.      She have never gone to France

2.      She was a fashion designer and was asked to go there because she had opened a new store of her own and she had to manage it and

3.      She wanted to have a bit of fun~

Trust me dear laptop, by "fun" I don't mean sightseeing or anything. My mother had her own way of fun... the same way I like to have fun. I'm a masochist you see, much like my mother; I guess it runs in the family~ so anyways, my mom was in France and she was walking along the cobbled streets when she heard rustling and the sound of screeching metal from an alleyway. She followed the sound and had found a body in a large, empty trash bin. The body wasn't dead, but here's the catch... the body didn't belong to a human in the first place; it had no head. In lieu to that, it had black smoke emitting from its neck and was just sitting there, scratching her nails against the cold metal. How do I know it was a "her?" Well, she was naked, and mother said she had curves and breasts, so you wouldn't expect a man to have such body features now would you? Mother told me that she secretly bought this creature to her hotel room (my mother was very stealthy and sneaky) and had asked her numerous questions (after providing her with clothes). She creature couldn't talk and so she answered her question with a pencil and paper. Mother's questions were:

1.      Who are you?

Answer: My name is Genevieve. I'm a French Dullahan. A Dullahan is a headless fairy that carries their heads around wherever they go.

2.      Why were you in the trash?

Answer: I was hiding from people. A group of police officers had found me and called me a "monster." They saw me carrying my head and took it, locking it in an underground chamber of Hotel Matignon.

3.      How old are you?

Answer: I don't know... more than a hundred probably.

4.      Tell me a bit about your head

Answer: Well, it had long blonde hair with blue eyes. I'm pretty sure my head is asleep right now. The only way it can be awaken is through war...

Details aside, I'm going to Ikebukuro to start this war to wake this head. It is said that whoever can wake this head up can go to heaven. And yes, I have the head with me~ Genevieve's head. I wrapped the heard with plastic then painted it with white enamel paint, saying that it was a mannequin head to those who asked me. So you ask, why do I go to Ikebukuro specifically to start this war? – Because there is someone else there who has a similar goal to mine, and with him around, my job will be much easier... Orihara Izaya.

That's all from me dear laptop! Yours, [Full name]'

[Name] smiled looking at her letter describing her details to her laptop. She knew it was unsafe to write such things and it would be better if she just kept her secret to herself. She gave her letter a final read and deleted the word file, looking out her window afterwards, seeing that the plane had started to move a little. "Finally," she sighed, glancing to the seat beside her, where her sister, [Sister's name] was sitting and watching a movie in her little monitor in front of her. [Name] put her laptop back in her bag and called out to [Sister's name]. "What?" her sister replied.

 "When we get there in Ikebukuro, do not call me by my real name. Call me [F/N] (A/N: Which means fake name), okay?"


"Because my identity is very important. There is this man... an informant and if he knows my real name, he'll be able to invade my other private information. I can't let that happen, understand?"


[Name] sighed; much unlike her, [Sister's name] had a very gloomy, tedious and uninteresting character while [Name] was the complete opposite of her. She peeked out her window again, the plane was moving more rapidly and within seconds, they would be on air.

"Can't wait," [Name] whispered to herself, feeling her adrenaline pump.  


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