One shot: Don't touch my man...

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(This one-shot has nothing to do with the main-plot, but I think it is kawaii! <3 I had uploaded this on Deviant art but my account got deleted... ;-; Enjoy!) 

 The thick night sky enveloped the city in Ikebukuro and a bright full moon illuminated the already bright city. The air felt damp tonight for a few recent rainfalls but nevertheless, the city atmosphere was always exciting as ever. There was no other city like this one. This city made your adrenaline rush and it made you curious to venture further amongst its many secrets, its dark alleyways and the strange people. [Name] was one of those strange people. Nobody really understood her for who she was. People thought she was scary and that her behavior would be somewhat akin to the notorious informant, Izaya Orihara. 


She was much different from Izaya's character. Yes, it is true that [Name] likes to spread rumors and cause drama. Yes, [Name] cheats and deceives quite often. Yes, she is a sadist and likes to see people in dire situations for her own entertainment. And yes, [Name] and Izaya are both two-faced to different people. But the big, yet small, difference Izaya and [Name] was that Izaya adored all humans to the deepest of love. [Name] on the other hand, despised all humans to the deepest of hatred. Frankly, [Name] is better at predicting humans than Izaya. Izaya sometimes underestimates or overestimates humans and doesn't merely estimate them often. [Name], however, can predict every single movement of her victims and she finds them "tedious" because of how predictable they are. 

But nonetheless, despite their huge difference, they met and by time, fell in love. Izaya was the only person [Name] loved and couldn't decipher easily and because of this, she'd sometimes get a little overprotective for him and might sometimes even go yandere on him. He was an incredibly handsome man, and even though many women do not take interest in him for his behavior, there are still a few who are unaware of what he is capable of and only sees him for his looks. [Name] felt like she had to keep Izaya away from that ilk of women. 


[Name] strolled to Shinjuku as her shoes clicked on the paved walkway, attracting the attention of nearby pedestrians.

"Look over there, isn't that Orihara's girlfriend?" 

"Yeah, I hear she's a freak just like he is!" 

"She's crazy! Simply crazy!"

[Name] giggled hearing this. "It is quite wondrous, how merely having a boyfriend can turn my status of this city the other way around," [Name] thought to herself and giggled again. When she first stepped into the city, nobody knew who she was and nobody even cared but soon enough, people found out how dangerous she was. She got caught up within feuds of gangs, associated with the Headless Rider and hacked private information. From this, she earned dirty money by being a helping hand to notorious people and in the end, when it gets too late, those notorious people finds out that they have been deceived as well. And now that she is the girlfriend of Izaya himself, people have been speaking of her even more than usual. 

[Name] continued to walk past the whispering citizens of Ikebukuro to her boyfriend's place. She walked past Russian Sushi and exchanged kind greetings with Simon in fluent Russian. As she got closer to Shinjuku by time, she climbed up a tall building to find the quickest route that will get to her destination.

Here's the thing about [Name]: she does things the easier way. If let's say, she was offered a million yen for capturing a person dead or alive, she would bring them dead because catching a live fish is more difficult for it can swim away. Also, she likes to take baths rather than showers because why does she have to stand up to do something when she can easily do with sitting down? – Ah yes, I guess you could call her lazy sometimes, but for her it is "merely living life in ease." 

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