30: Lasagna...?

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A/N: I couldn't think of any other name for the chapter... eh... Give me some suggestions in the comments below? :D

A/N: Spoilers suck, I know. That is why I have censored some content of this chapter which may be spoilers, so you guys don't have to worry about being spoiled! – I've read the Manga... So yea... ^_^"

Namie wasn't working, well not technically. She was in Shinjuku, in Izaya's place and she was typing on her laptop, but it wasn't work. Dinner was already made and was left on the stove to be served when Izaya came back.

He's more late than usual...

She continued to type. What was she doing exactly if she wasn't "working"? – She was doing what Izaya would call "observing" but Namie terms it as "stalking." Who was she stalking? – Her kid brother Seiji of course. There's nobody else stalk-worthy for Namie. The screen of her laptop displayed all the information there is to know about her brother. Being the secretary of an informant sure has its advantages...

Namie propped her elbows on the desk as she rested her head on her palms and stared dreamily into the pictures of Seiji. "The kid cannot get any cuter," Namie said, mostly to herself, "Can he?" She scrolled through more pictures and she stumbled across one that infuriated her: Seiji and Mika Harima cuddling under a tree. "That little thief," Namie told herself, "I'm going to make her pay." The woman looked at the clock in the room, seeing that it was 9:30 and that Izaya would typically be home by 8:50.

He's probably doing his informant work...

How wrong you are Namie Yagiri... how wrong you are.

~~~To where Izaya and [Name] is~~~

"Is this a second date, [Name]?" Izaya said as he ate his sushi. "I don't know," the woman replied, also gobbling up her fatty tuna, "You tell me, is it?" Izaya smirked, "It can't be a date without a kiss, now can it?" [Name] giggled, "I'm afraid not." Simon was by the counter, looking at Izaya with dagger-shooting eyes. He had observed that Izaya was calling the woman by her real name and that [Name] didn't care much about it.

"I'm a little surprised," Izaya started, "Up until now, nobody came up to you saying, 'Hey, aren't you [F/N]? – The famous cake designer? I love your work!' Are you really famous?"

"It's just my fake name that's famous, not my real name. Last night I sent a message to all my friends and I told them to call me [Name] from now on because if I get called [F/N] in public, I might attract unwanted attention."

"I see. How come I never got the message?"

"I probably forgot, or maybe you're not that important to me," [Name] smiled and looked out the window while Izaya munched on the last piece of sushi left on his platter, "If I'm not important to you, why did you tell Shizu-Chan to keep me alive? – You need me alive. To go to Valhalla. You need me and I am in fact important to you." [Name] left her gaze off from the window and looked at Izaya who stared at her with a smirk.

"The thing is Izaya; I do not particularly need you. You're just there to make my life a little easier, but I can still live without you."

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