13: Teasing

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(A/N:  666 likes! :D Thank you all!)

It seems like her sister is more open, non-secretive and easier to understand than [F/N] is. I can find out everything about her sister with a mere research at ease. They both seem so different from one another, it doesn't seem like they're sisters at all.

~4 days afterwards~

She looked utterly magnificent as her charm whispered through her skin one bright morning in Ikebukuro. She looked much different on this specific day than she would any other day. She had taken her bandages off her forehead and hips, and her bruises and scars were barely visible on her skin. Her hair was put up in a fancy bun – the kind of bun which acts like a magnet for your eyes, you couldn't stop glancing at it every now and then. The kind with loads of braids wrapping around the back with uncountable bobby pins keeping them all intact, making a woman's hair look like a complicated, yet beautiful maze. These kinds of buns, of course, best suits ideally with a dress, preferably short above the knees (pantyhose optional). To [Name] there are two kinds of faultless combinations: if the dress is black, then silver jewelry– not the heavy type, but the very thin type, with solid, silver threads along with discretionary stones dotting about. However, if the dress is white, then the jewelry color will be gold, the same aforementioned type. Shoes? – Matching with the color of the dress, preferably high heels. [Name], under her case, put on those ballerina shoes, (she was shamefully clumsy on high heels) which works just as well. Both black and white suited her, but Izaya insisted on black; therefore [Name] had to oblige with it.

And with that, completed [Name]'s outfit for her "special" day.

Recently, Izaya had asked her out for a "friendly engagement", as a mean to get to know her better, but [Name] being the unstable one she is, took everything far too seriously from ornate jewelry to extraordinarily braided buns, claiming it to be a "date"


"[F/N]-Chan, this isn't what I'd particularly call a 'date' you know. I just wanted to hang out with you, to get to know you a little more. You don't have to dress up this way, you're already beautiful just the way you are! ~"

"But Izaya ~! Going out with such a handsome man like you is such a privilege to me! I can't be seen with you so casually, that's preposterous!" She winked at me, not flirtatiously but somewhat sarcastically, "Which dress do you prefer?" She held up two dresses towards me, a black one with three white roses on the left shoulder and a white one with three black roses on the right shoulder.

"You would look gorgeous in either!" If she can get sarcastic with me, then I can do the same, "But if I am to make one choice, I'll choose the black one."

"Yay! – I was hoping you'd choose the black one! See Izaya? – We're so perfect together, we even have the same taste!" She then skipped into the women's fitting room.

To be frank with myself, no woman had ever called me handsome or such. People just typically called me dangerous and feared me like I was going to manipulate them to kill themselves, although I don't really blame it on them. ~ I normally wouldn't care if anyone ever complimented me, but [F/N]'s carelessness seemed too unreal to me. I knew she never really meant it when she said I was "the perfect man for her," and I honestly don't care, but for anyone uttering those words to me – I don't know... and I doubt I should bother much about it. My mom never said I was attractive or anything as I grew older and I never bothered about it, why should I give much care to anyone else?

 Within few minutes, [F/N] swung the door open and stepped out. She spun towards me like those princesses do in Disney movies (And I thought those movies were only for little girls. Mairu proved me wrong, but then again, Mairu isn't much old now that I've come to think of it, she's just as immature as a five year old).

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