24: Shift

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(There was supposed to be more to this chapter... but reading huge chapters are rather cumbersome, ne? ~ Also thank you all for the endless support!) 

It was another bright morning in Japan and the streets were bustling with people as per usual. It was the time when students would be heading off to school and fathers would take the nearest train station to work. Mothers went grocery shopping and gang members just walked around in groups, doing nothing in particular. This time of day was much different from the time of night. The city seemed to be more at ease and everything would be more lighthearted than it would be during the night. At night, this kinder nature of the city would somehow change, like how a werewolf changes during a full moon. Everyone was going down to their business: Shizuo was collecting debt; Mikado and Anri were in school with Aoba ("Why are you behaving so strangely lately Ryuugamine-San?" Anri asked him constantly during break times to which Mikado would reply, smiling his usual smile, "Oh, it's nothing. Don't worry about me."), even [Name] was working on her daily shifts in her store, baking cakes.

[Name] rolled some colorful fondant and tore little circles from the dough. With each little circle, she made beautiful petals for the flowers of this wedding cake for an upcoming wedding ceremony. One of her friends, a demon co worker named Miku came up to her and helped her air brush the petals with edible paint. As they worked together, Miku asked [Name] at one point, "Hey [Name]... what happened yesterday? You left so early...?" [Name]'s eyebrows met together on her forehead due to all the concentration she put on her petals, "Eh, it's nothing. Just a friend of mine came to visit." Miku giggled, "Why do you emphasize on "friend" like that? – Is he more than that?" [Name] chuckled, "Watch your big mouth, girl." Miku then air brushed edible paint all over [Name]'s apron and laughed like a dying horse (we all do that sometimes) and [Name] threw a big ball of fondant at her face, which got stuck to Miku's nose.

"Ah help! I can't see!" Miku walked around, reaching out her arms in front of her like a zombie, "[Name]!! Get this off my nose, I can't breathe!" [Name] laughed and continued airbrushing the rest of the petals, "Why don't you get it off yourself?" "It's sticky! I don't want fondant in my nails; do you know how hard it is to get them out?" Miku replied. She was the perfectionist type of girl who always wanted to look pretty, especially in her nail areas which made [Name] wonder why people cared about their nails so much, since she made no effort in keeping her nails nice but Miku was a good and humorous friend and is always there to help others. "Hey! You two, [Name] and Miku!" A very familiar, bossy tone shouted at them, "Stop fooling around and don't waste our ingredients!" Their boss, a former "full powered" demon (who lost all her powers because of her old age) stomped towards them. She was a grumpy old woman, but she was a very good leader and was very patient when it came to taking control of her hyped bunch. Amaya Mori; it was rumored that around the age of 40, she had been dying from a demon bullet and bled on a walkway where nobody else was around. That was when she used her one demon wish and asked the HQ Headmistress to bring her back to life and here she was, retired and owning a famous cake store. She was highly respected by everyone, but [Name] respected her like she's respect any everyday friend.

Amaya, known as Madam Mori by the youngsters, told Miku to "calm the hell down" and tugged at the big piece of fondant at her nose, which immediately came out. "See," Madam Mori said, "That wasn't so hard. Now get back to work. And also, do you girls know where [Random friend's name that gave away your real name] went?"

"No," Miku replied, holding the fondant ball in her hands, "but I'm sure [Name] knows." She narrowed her eyes at [Name] and sneered to which she replied in a jolly yet slightly sarcastic tone, "What makes you think I'd know? I didn't do anything." Madam Mori shrugged, "I needed him today. I'll give him a call. Thanks anyways," she then walked up the stairs to the platform above.

You won't find him Amaya.

[Name] giggled evilly to herself, which soon grew to a hysteric laugh. None of the other demons in the huge kitchen was that surprised, seeing that laughing like a joker was a habit of hers. After her little fit of laughter, she finished her last flower and neatly placed them on a tray. She gave them to [Another random friend's name] who were to assemble them on the cake.

And that was that.

Her shift was over and she took her rainbow stained apron off and placed them on the hanger by the door where all the aprons were to be put. "Bye Amaya and everyone else, my job here is done!" She waved at them as they all said a chorus of, "Bye [Name]!" It was somewhat like a ritual amongst the demons to greet and bid goodbyes. It wasn't the same with Madam Mori who'd always yelled back, "Call me Madam Mori!" But before she could finish, [Name] would be out on the streets.

[Name] loved the streets of Ikebukuro no matter what time of day it would be. Each moment of the day would feel so different in the city and thinking of it made her adrenaline pump. She strolled around the city, looking inside the huge windows of the stores, seeing if she could buy something for herself. While she took her walk amongst the people, [Name] felt her phone buzz in her back pocket. When she checked her inbox, she found the following:

"From: The Demon HQ

To: The Assassin

Subject: Getting A-head of the situation!

We need you to take a picture of Celty Sturluson's head and send it to us. If you can, try to take a picture of the Dullahan itself. We're doing a little experiment."

and the other message...

"From: Shizehhhhhh

To: [Name]

Subject: HEYYY!

Yo. You owe me some cigarettes. My previous packet is finished. And I also need you to meet me at the park at 4:00... I just wanted to see you. You've been so busy lately I've never got to talk to you. Bye. Love you (as a friend... or maybe a little more). Shizuo."

[Name] giggled looking at Shizuo's cute message. He's started messaging her like a girlfriend ever since they got closer to each other, but [Name] knew Shizuo never really felt that way for him. She sniggered and walked to the nearest cigarette store.


Please leave a vote and comment! – It helps me out a lot and encourages me to write further!

(Going to upload another chapter today! :D And also... Am I the only one who thought of Hatsune Miku while reading this? o_o)

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