37: Desires

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7:00 am

"Whoa," was the first word Namie said when she entered Izaya's apartment. All the furniture was... slightly different than they used to be. The black couch was somewhat rectangular before, but now the edges are more curved. The desk, computer and laptop on Izaya's desk were different as well. The desk looked cleaner and even more brand new while the laptop and computer were of different brands. Izaya sat on his chair, which looked the same, and looked at Namie, smirking. "Surprised by the change, Namie-San?" He asked.

Namie looked around for a little more and then finally said, "Why'd you change everything?" Izaya got up from his chair towards the kitchen to pour himself a cup of tea as Namie sat on the new couch and put her bag aside. "My previous furniture," Izaya started, "Had some 'minor issues'." He laughed to himself, "I invited [Name] over for a sleepover and she demolished everything."

"Why would she do that?" Namie asked, with no curiosity in her voice. Izaya sat beside Namie with a cup in his hand and replied, "She had her reasons." Izaya sipped on his tea and said, "[Name]-Chan has clever tactics to observe me."

"And what does that mean?"

"She's planning to join Mikage's dojo to observe my sister and to know my relationship with my family. And she is also planning to observe Ruri Hijiribe's stalker. She also knows about my relationship with Mikage, so she wants to observe her as well. The future leader of the Awakusu, Akane, has also joined the dojo. And now [Name] can observe every one of those with such ease that I can't."

"She'd make a better informant than you, Izaya."

Izaya choked on his tea, sputtered and then laughed hysterically, "Well... she does collect information and judging by her reaction. She also gives away information to other people to start a riot. She's much like me I guess..."

"Hmm," Namie hummed, "When did she 'demolish' your furniture?"

"Yesterday... why ask?"

"Yesterday? – Then when did you buy all this?"

Izaya lifted himself from the couch and placed the tea cup on the kitchen counter, "There's this furniture and electronics store nearby. They're open for most of days and nights. Honestly... I prefer my older set of furniture but... there's nothing I can do about it now. You see, humans are all weaklings and cannot contain their emotion for most of the time. Everyone gets mad for some reason. Nobody is patient when discussing specific things. For example, I hate talking about Shizu-Chan. After yesterday, I've learnt that [Name]-Chan dislikes being underestimated. And a few humans cannot contain their anger; therefore they express themselves a bit violently. That is what [Name] did."

"Did she pay for the damage?"

"After reasoning with her, yes."

"And where is she now?"

"In the bathroom, pondering and pondering and pondering..."

Don't hide from me ~ Izaya x readerWhere stories live. Discover now