32: Outbursts

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The man, formerly known as Orihara Izaya, had a very sickening way to express his love towards all his humans. He puts them in the direst situation in the most creative way possible. He'll be willing to maim, emotionally break or even kill a person only because he'd want to see how humans would react. He'd do it for his own entertainment. Rio, the girl whose online name was Magenta, looked up to "Nakura" for a few days but then her expectations sunk low in her heart when she actually approached him. We know about that story, right? Similar accidents like such with Rio would happen to whoever met Izaya through web, and it stayed that way for a very long time. Up until [Name] arrived in Ikebukuro. The man always told each and every human he met about his insane love, but he never fully expressed it to [Name]. It has been weeks since [Name] came to Ikebukuro and he was growing sick and tired of their distance. She knew everything about him, it seemed, while he didn't.

"I love humans," he said as he moved a black queen piece of his abnormal game, "I love them [Name]..." They were in Shinjuku after nearly getting killed by Shizuo.

~~~And what did Shizuo say to [Name] and Izaya? ~~~


The beast had to pay a large sum of money for the destruction of the following: a highway, 3 flyovers, 10 buildings, 6 narrow roads and uncountable vending machines, street signs and trash cans. He didn't really pay for anything previously... but the police caught him this time... 

Namie sighed as she typed onto her laptop. She needed to talk to [Name] alone for some time, but Izaya was getting on with his rant about how much he loved humans for the umpteenth time.

"I'm well aware of that, Izaya-san," [Name] said. She stood by the large window of his house. She wore one of Namie's turtleneck green sweaters which the secretary had offered for her (and it wasn't even a nice, "Here you go!" offer. It was more of a, "Take it if you want but if you don't give it back I'll stab you" kind of offer). [Name] had taken a quick bath and here she was, having a "sleepover" with the informant. She looked at the people of Shinjuku below her and she saw Celty riding past the building in her motorbike, being chased by a group of Toramaru gang members in their own bikes.

Izaya chuckled looking at the sight, "The bounty-hunters are already chasing her, aren't they?" "Yes, they are," [Name] replied bluntly with no amusement in her tone. She was feeling a little frightened because of her mother, but Izaya didn't notice her dull tone...yet. "[Name], do you know how much I love humans?" Izaya asked her as he moved the same queen black piece and used it to knock down a few other pieces around. "You love them to the point where you put them in misery and watch their reactions," [Name] replied, again very lifelessly. She expected that to be the right answer until Izaya shouted, "Wrong! HAHAHAHA! WRONG, WRONG, WRONG, WRONG!" He flipped the game board with both his hands and it flew past [Name], hitting the book shelf beside her. The pieces of the board fell to the floor and rolled around. This made both the women in the room look at Izaya with a strange look. "WRONG [NAME]-CHAN!" Izaya shouted again, "WRONG!" He laughed loudly and continued, "I love humans so much that I could kill them one by one by one by one and would continue on with no regrets! I could make them all kill themselves! I could make them all jump from a building and would have no regrets at all!!" He was still wearing his fur coat and bought out his switch blade from underneath his coat sleeve.

[Name] looked at him perplexed as he walked towards the mess of game pieces and picked up the aforementioned black queen piece. He then poked the wood of it with his blade. He stood right in front of [Name], who had regained her cool and just looked at Izaya blankly. "Do you want to know why, [Name]?" Izaya asked as he scratched the queen and didn't even look up once. His smirk made him look like a scary clown, but [Name] had seen scarier things in her life, "Do you want to know why I wouldn't regret it?" "Because you love them," [Name] said as she turned around towards the window to check if her "mother" was anywhere outside. "You love them to the point where you don't care about their pain. You love them because of the happiness they provide you with. Humans make you laugh and smile," [Name] said.

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