22: Irresponsibilty

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(Can you figure out all the references? They're a bit obvious though. :D And also, if you haven't read my One shot: Burn already, then keep note that [Name]'s home is in the underground, under a special hatchet. This hatchet leads to [Name]'s home and her home only and no other areas of the underground. Read my one shot for more details if you haven't already! :D)

Izaya jumped on [Name]'s couch and shouted hysterically, "And this is why I love humans so much! They're so different from one another and their different behaviors interest me so much!" He raised his hands up above him buoyantly and shouted his love for humans to the ceiling. [Name] just sat cross-legged on the floor seeing how her couch was being tortured by Izaya's shoes. His dirty, dusty shoes. She tried to stay as calm as possible, but inside she panicked. She trembled occasionally, but it wasn't that visible to Izaya. She had this terrible urge to puke and she desperately wanted Izaya to leave her home, her underground home. But she just stayed quiet and kept it all in like a locked diary. She stared at the dark wooden floor as a thunder of emotions, questions and thoughts clapped inside her brain.

How could I be so irresponsible? – I ran home just like that without even checking if I was being followed or not. I didn't even check my phone to see the surveillance cameras. Why? – Why did I do that? Why did I panic so much? But then again... why shouldn't I? But... but... now that he's followed me home, he knows where I live! I can't let Izaya know about Genevieve and her head. I can't let him know everything about me. I can't let him know how my mother died and why I'm scared of –

Just in the middle of her thoughts, Izaya jumped off the couch onto the hard surface of the floor, right in front of [Name] which made her jolt terribly. She looked up at the informant, who smirked his habitual smirk and bent down to her level. He, too, sat cross-legged like [Name] was and looked at her with a look which any woman would define as, "cute" but to [Name] it was filthy, disgusting and grotesque. She wanted to wipe that smile of his face and flog him to death. But she needed him. The things they do together brings them one step closer to war.

Ever since [Name] came to Ikebukuro, she has been spreading rumors over the internet and Izaya would be there to polish the filth and sometimes it was the other way around. This city has had been going through a lot more chaos than usual for this duo and their latest unnecessary tomfooleries...

~~~Last week a thread was posted on the dollars website~~~

Kanra: Kanra-Chan desuuuuuuuuu~~~ Oh... Strange things have been going on lately~~~~() o) There's this crazy rumor that Shizuo Heiwajima and the biker gang Toramaru are planning to bash anyone who is part of the Dollars! (ノдヽ) We need to do something!

[O/N]: Yes! I was walking home from school when I eavesdropped on Shizuo Heiwajima speaking to this biker about the dollars or something! It was scary!!! (Д)/

The user then uploaded a picture showing Shizuo Heiwajima with the le

ader of the Toramaru gang. Shizuo was against a wall smoking a cigarette and Rokujo was standing in front of him. The picture may be seemed like they were discussing something, but in all actuality, they were merely trading their greetings and were doing nothing with the intention of hurting someone else.

Ciel Phantomhive: Are you serious?! That is insane! We need to tell all our dollar friends about this!

ROBIN-CHWAAAN: How dare they??? Do they know who we are?! We're the dollars and we're not going to let them hurt any member of our group!

Setton: Now don't you think this is a big misunderstanding? Why would they want to go against the Dollar gang?

Kanra: Why should they not? Toramaru have had some pretty crucial fights against some members of the dollars and many have ended up in the hospital! I might die if they know who I really am! D:

[O/N]: I agree! And for Shizuo it is likely to have some grudges against the dollar gang members because of obvious reasons... tsk tsk.

Maya Orihara: Oh sheit! I'm sending this to all my dollar friends!

NAMI_SWAAAAN: Hell yea! Me too!

~~~I have nothing much to say about what happened next... let's just say that the city have had a huge change of events after that day and battles still rage on even though much of the members of both the dollars and the Toramaru gang have ended up hurt, and some of them dead. Let's just also say that [Name] and Izaya are pretty proud of themselves~~~

"I have so many questions for you [Name]-Chan! – you're such an interesting and secretive character!" Izaya scratched his scalp, "I wonder how you hide so stealthily from me, how you manage to do it! But now that I found your home –" [Name] interrupted him mid-sentence, "You won't be able to access it. Only I can open the hatch door and the only reason you were able to come in was because I opened the door and you jumped right in without a warning. But only I can open this door and I'll be much more careful of you from now on." [Name] got up from the floor and looked down at the man, who also lifted himself up. He hummed a little, odd tune and said with a jolly face, "It seems like you're going to be more secretive than usual, huh? – Well that's a bit unfortunate for me but trust me when I say this [Name]-Chan," –his voice got sterner here and he looked at [Name] with deep eyes - you won't be hiding much longer from me."


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