41: Scythe

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[Name] stood at the edge of the building and smiled to herself. She's been smiling for an hour and her cheeks hurt, but she felt it was completely worth it. The wind brushed past her [H/C] hair and the big moon behind her cast a large, mysterious shadow in front of her. She constantly saw pictures form in her mind. Pictures of fur coats and sepia eyes. Flashing of smirks and pocket knives. She honestly couldn't take it much longer. [Name] was now absolutely sure that Izaya was somehow related to her father and it drove her to the edge of insanity... although she's already pretty much crazy.

3 hours ago: 7:15 pm.

[Name] couldn't believe it. Now was the most terrible time for surprises, Demon HQ! Terrible, terrible timing! [Name] held out her phone in front of her face and skimmed her eyes through the following message for the umpteenth time:

Dear [Name],

Surprise, surprise! We got you the weapon upgrade we promised you last night!

- We gave you gun upgrade, where you can turn your small pistol into a big hunter's gun.

- We have removed your blowpipe and darts and replaced them with a bow and arrow with red, blue and black arrows (just like how you had red, blue and black darts).

- You have your knuckle blades and along with that we have provided you with a set of two katanas, ninja star blades, and a scythe for the finishing attack.

Enjoy your upgrade,

Demon HQ.

No, no, no... Terrible timing! [Name] didn't even know how to use these weapons! She stood on the road in the middle of a huge crowd. Why was there a huge crowd, you ask? Because Mikado chose today to be that day for another Dollars meeting. Surprise Surprise! Streets were filled with people; the main street, in alleys between buildings, above buildings. And all eyes were on one person: the Assassin. [Name] shut her phone off and shoved the device in her shawl pocket.

"So the Assassin can use a phone, huh? They know how to use modern technology, then? I don't know... Assassin sounds like a really antique name, don't you think Aoba?"

Aoba sighed, "Don't be so lame, Neko." He smiled back at the hooded [Name], "Our leader has been having suspicions on you. You see, Assassin, there has been war brewing in the Dollars lately. More gang members attacking, more people committing to illegal activities within the group and much more... murder. And the Dollars website is filled with rumors from many different users. One of those user's name was "Assassinator". Does that name sound familiar to you, Assassin?"

Aoba and his gang started to circle [Name] with bats and other weaponry as she silently cursed underneath her hood. She had to think fast.

"We are certain that you're part of the dollars. We have no choice but to get rid of you and your type of beings. Our leader wants you dead at all costs. Have any last words?"

All the boys chuckled.

"Oh, I forgot. You can't speak. That's too bad."

And with that, all the guys started to attack her at once. As all of the men prepared to raise their bats and metal pipes at her, [Name] bent to her knees and released into a tremendous leap like a spring. She flew high up in the air and all eyes of all the people in the meeting locked on her. Several gasped, others stepped back and a few just straight up ran away. Izaya grinned toothily, excited to see what's about to come.

[Name] shot up like a shooting star higher and higher. And when she was high enough, she fell back down like a meteor. Her shawl flapped vigorously in the wind and she shut her eyes tightly, trying to concentrate on getting the weapon she was hoping to get. Getting a new weapon required lots of focusing and it was a major pain in the nose (A/N: Get it?... Nose? Chapter 17: Annoyed... eh...) and this time it was even more difficult for [Name] because all the random visions that flashed in her head. Visions of father and Izaya.

As [Name] descended faster and faster, she shut her eyes tighter and tried to picture a scythe in her head. A scythe with a bright golden handle, slightly bent and a ginormous back and yellow blade. She was sure she had the image in her head and she could feel the cold metal staff in her fingers but then she saw Izaya's face. His devious smirk and maroon eyes. His black hair and brown fur coat. She kept her eyes closed and felt the metal get even colder and tangible.







Her chest tightened again like it did in the morning. Why was she seeing Izaya's face? Why him out of everyone else?

Her feet hit the gravel road with a loud boom and she felt the metal scythe in her hands. She opened her eyes and looked up at her scythe and gasped in shock. Instead of the yellow and black scythe she expected to get, she got a black scythe, three times her own height. It had a huge brownish-red blade ,the color of Izaya's eyes with light brown striped on it, the color of the trimming on Izaya's fur coat.

No, no, no! This is messed up! I cannot fight with this scythe for the rest of my life! NO!

Once a demon has created their weapon the way their imagination lets them to, their weapon will remain that way permanently and there is no way for a demon to change their weapon back.

She breathed heavily, but she wasn't the only one. Everyone in the Dollars meeting held their gaze on her and her scythe. Izaya stood on the rooftop of a building to get a better view above the crowd and eyed the strange looking scythe.

That's different. I thought her base colors were black and yellow... why did she suddenly change?

[Name] shook her head and regained herself quickly.

What's done is done... I'll think of it later.

She started to swing her new weapon towards Aoba and his gang as they started to step back in shock. She didn't want to hurt or kill anyone just yet, not in front of so many other people. All she wanted to do was threaten them to leave her alone. She continued to swing her scythe around until everyone was far enough away from her. She then just stood there, thinking of what she should do next. As she craned her neck up at the roofs of the buildings, she saw that they were packed with people and one very recognizable person was smiling down at her. Izaya. They both stared at each other, making accidental eye contact.

Close by in an alleyway, Mikado watched [Name] and whispered, "I'm going to kill you." 

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