12: Scheme

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(A/N: Writer's block. But well... Thank you guys so much for 1.8 K read! :D)

Izaya sprawled on his toilet seat, wearing a deep red, long sleeved t-shirt with matching trousers (he couldn't bare being laughed at in his white clothes and so he bought temporary, new ones) as he looked down upon the woman who knelt on the tiled floor of his bathroom and washed his clothes in a large, blue plastic bucket.

"Izaya, my bandages are getting wet!" groaned [Name], looking up at the sitting informant, who replied as brightly as a beam of sun, "Well It seems to me like you're having a wonderful time! – I mean, washing the God's clothes should be a dream come true for every woman, ne? ~" [Name] chuckled slightly, "Dream come true, huh?" she held a gray t-shirt in front of her face, towards Izaya, "Nobody ought to find joy in washing this garbage." She glowered piercingly at him and continued scrubbing.

"Hmm? ~ You're so mean [F/N]-Chan! I don't understand why!"

"Trust me Izaya, everyone hates you. I've said it once, I'll say it again. Everyone hates you." [Name] said sharply as she gave the man another death glare and then said in an iniquitous tone, "I'm going to go home after this, and plot something evil against you!"

"Again? And then end up paying for your mischievous pranks once more?"

"Shut up."

Izaya sniggered lightly as his eyes shifted from the bucket of gray clothes, to the figure who vigorously rubbed his trousers against the smooth surface of the floor.



"Why are you doing this?"

"Huh?" [Name] stopped stroking the tainted article of cloth as she looked at Izaya emerge from his sitting position and suavely approach her. He then knelt down to her level and whispered, "You clearly do not want to do this, but yet you choose to do so. You could have killed me here and now and not do my laundry."

"Shut up, Izaya. I can't kill you even if I want to."

"Why not?" Izaya then stood up straight, looking down at her.

Because I'm using you to help me in beginning a war.

[Name] then pushed herself up from the floor as well and plopped the trousers into the bucket. She looked at Izaya in the eyes and then gave him an infantile smile as she placed the back of her hand against her forehead and sarcastically exclaimed, "Because I love you sweetie! I wouldn't ever forgive myself if I ever hurt such a beautiful man!" Izaya froze listening to this as [Name] began to chortle. These words shocked Izaya as his jaws dropped a little and his eyes grew wide. Not ever had a woman complimented him this way and now being the first time, he didn't understand how to response to it. [Name] giggled even harder looking at Izaya's appalled face and skipped towards the door of the bathroom. As she opened it, she cried out, "I guess I should be going home now. Celty is probably worried sick about me!"

This was followed by a slamming noise; two slamming noises, one being the slam of the bathroom door, the other being the slam of the main gate.

Izaya stood there on his bathroom, staring upon his floor as he precipitously cackled hysterically and fell to the ground holding his stomach, "Getting all cocky already [F/N]-Chan?!" He continued laughing to some extend and said to no one in particular, still tittering, "I don't like it when humans startle me with their over confidence, I don't like it at all; however, I'm going to let this one slide. She's far too interesting for me to do anything to her! I'm so excited!" Izaya's lunatic laughter was heard throughout the dwelling by none other than a very ticked off Namie Yagiri.

 ~Four days from there~

"Likes playing pranks. Terrible at washing clothes."

"Works in a cake store. Very good at designing cakes."

Izaya sighed as he glanced at his gray sleeve and then back at his monitor. It was nighttime and the lights in his domicile illuminated his dark furniture. He was disappointed at himself. He knew things about [Name] which other people also knew about. He wanted to know more than that. He wanted to know of her secrets, her tactics and everything moreover. He was typically good at finding out these minor details of other people but she was a different case to him. He knew for a fact that [F/N] was a fake name, his mere informant-experienced instincts told him. He wanted to know what her real name was and in order to do that he needed to invade her home and hack into her private information, real private information, but first, he needed to know where her home was. He did venture out to pursue her directly, by following her into an alleyway, but she caught him and had driven him away. He stalked her from a rooftop after that, but she had sensed him somehow and made him congee again. His only option was to stalk her through cameras, but soon afterwards, the cameras had been taken down mysteriously and that had been forbidden for him as well.

Izaya, once again, heavily heaved a sigh thinking of his immense failure as he trudged towards his couch and sat two feet away from Namie. He then turned on the TV after finding the remote squished between two cushions and switched to the 666 News Channel. Bright colors spelt the headline, "Pursuit of the killer" as the screen viewed the "Assassin" being chased by a group of white uniformed police on motorbikes, with the persistent Kinnosuke Kuzuhara on the lead. [Name] jumped over buildings effortlessly while the police were down under on the streets, hot on her tracks. "It's amazing, we've been chasing them for more than an hour and they're still on the run! The stamina and energy taken to run over an hour is spectacular!" The reporter beamed from the white van the TV crew were in, also tailed behind the policemen.

Looking at this, a thought clicked in Izaya's mind like a light bulb.

If I can't observe her from a distance, then I should do so in person, much like what these policemen are doing.

And it was right then when he gave Namie a mini heart attack with his psychotic cachinnation and shouted to himself, "Yes, yes, of course!" He leaned on his couch, he arms stretched on both sides of him and his head hung backwards, "Why haven't I thought of this before?! Of course! If I can't observe her from a distance, then I should observe her in person!" And once again, Izaya's laughter filled the atmosphere of his abode like how gas fills a balloon. 


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