35: Uncover

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A/N: Sorry for the small chapter and late update! D: I've been mega busy but I'll update more often now.

Dear diary,

Yesterday was my 15th birthday! I cut this cake which I baked by myself and Miku-san helped me. We always had a passion for cake baking. I got many presents some being a brown, fur-trimmed coat (which is really strange since the Demon Realm is really hot), a cake designing kit, many books and other things.

Did I tell you about the Headmistress chamber? – That is where she stays 24/7/365. Nobody knows what she does there and nobody really cares. It's on the top of the castle and it is said that if a demon in the HQ does something against the rules, they get sent to the chamber and never come back! It makes me shudder.

Some things have been bugging me lately.

I've been having this strange dream where I'm being dragged to a forest and a red-eyed demon is staring at me. He leans at me and mutters something about souls and personality, but his voice is muffled. And then he just disappears with the wind. Then I wake up. I've been seeing this dream almost every night. Pretty creepy, huh? The red-eyed demon smells familiar though...

And also, I've been thinking of something... mother was 40 when father died... Does that seem a little fishy to you? Considering that she has magic now...? Of course you have no opinion... You're a stupid diary.

Anyways, I have to go. Demon training.


[Name] was sitting on the bathroom floor, thinking of her strange dream. Who was that demon? – Izaya or her father? But none of them are actually demons, so why would they appear that way? Why was she there in the demon realm? Why were sinners having leisure time? And since [Name] spent a significant amount of time on earth, she wondered how fire was actually edible. And then, lastly, the riddle that the red eyed demon had told her:

It takes one soul to create two people of the exact same face and personality. Can you guess how?

She didn't understand... How was that possible? How can one soul create two people? She felt like she had seen this dream before many, many times but couldn't really remember when. Dreams aren't really "memorable" things. When you dream, you wake up and forget about it. Unless the dream is very scary and very touching of course. This dream wasn't touching or saddening... it was mysterious.

[Name] continued to ponder on the floor when she heard Izaya call to her from outside. "[Name]-Chan! – What are you doing for so long in the bathroom?"

"Why does it even matter to you?" [Name] spat.

She heard him snicker, "Well, I'm worried about my demon-human! Are you worried about something? What's the matter? You can tell me~"

The woman stiffened and her face hardened, "You do not care about me. The only person who you care for is yourself!"

"Oh? That's so mean? Why won't I care for my human? But well you see... people need to use the bathroom every morning as soon as they wake up and you're occupying mine. My bladder is exploding at the current moment so –"

"Pee in your diaper you whiny, little baby!" [Name] screamed as her crossed legs began to go numb.

"Well then, I see you're pushing me to reach desperate measures," Izaya said and [Name] heard his footsteps fade away. She then went back to thinking.

Why does Izaya-san look like my dad? Why does he behave like my dad? Is there a connection somewhere? My dad had an illegal job... Izaya too... what?

[Name] slowly slid her hand to her pant's back pocket.

Why must this happen to me? Who is Izaya? Who the hell is he? Why did my dad die? Izaya reminds me of my dad. I loved father so much. Was my father a douche like Izaya? No, no, no... My father was nice. Did my father manipulate people like Izaya does? No, no.... my father was a nice man. I think.

Her fingers went deeper into her pocket.

Does my mom have to do something with this? When did my father die anyways? Where is my father now? WHERE THE HELL IS MY PHONE?!

She frantically looked into all her pockets and found her wallet and lip balm, but no phone. "IZAYA!?" [Name] screamed to the top of her lungs and burst through the door. As soon as she did so, she crashed onto Izaya's bare chest and tumbled back to the ground. "Yes [Name]-Chan? I suppose you're looking for your phone, ne? ~" He said gently and pulled out the small piece of device from his pajama pocket. He threw it to the floor and said, "Here you go!" He bought another phone out from his other pocket and threw that too, "And here's your sister's phone. I know that she's been worried sick about it, right? Well, there's nothing interesting in it anyways. But I did find some valuable information on your other phone. ~"

This caught her attention as she got up from the floor, stashing both phones in her pockets, "What do you mean by that? What did you find?!" She was beginning to sweat a little. Izaya laughed, "Yesterday you have intrigued me with your strange behavior you know. You were hugging me and calling me father and all." He stepped closer to [Name] and she stepped back and soon enough, she was leaning against the wall on the end of the bathroom and Izaya had her cornered, "I've never really wondered much about your dad, since I thought he was just a mere human. But what I found out about him" – he chuckled darkly – "is very interesting..."


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