8: Chat

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(A/N: The author's note below has some spoilers of the second season of Durarara... proceed to the main story if you do not want to be spoiled. :3)

(A/N: Probably the biggest chapter I've written so far. Typically I re-read my chapters but I'm not going to do so with this one so forgive me with any typos or grammatical mistakes, I'm going to re-read it later and fix them. The ending is a bit rushed because I'm tired and its 2:00 am here...sorry... Also, Mikado is changing bit-by-bit every episode in the second season. To me, he's more of an antagonist and also a protagonist since he's willing to kill and beat others who taint the name of the Dollars by joining as the leader of the Blue Squares, but he's doing it so that Anri and Masaomi can have a better place to live. Mikado's behavior towards this is show-cased here. V_V I'll fix everything all my typos later! :33 Enjoy anyways! ~)

"So the headless rider is named Celty, she has a fiancé along with a family of mother and father-in-laws and her head is in Shinjuku, in Izaya-san's bookshelf. That's lovely," [Name] said to herself as she strolled around the city in the dead of night, her forehead and hips still bandaged. Her wounds were still in chronic pain and it made her wince every now and then, but she continued walking nevertheless, her first destination being the supermarket...

~Last night~

[Name] was awakened by a rough poke on her cheek. "Wake up sleepy head!" A cheery, male voice said as [Name] opened her eyes slightly, enough to get a glimpse of a man with messy raven hair, elliptical spectacles and a white lab coat smiling at her and holding a plate with colorful sushi on it, "It's time to eat dinner. You have been asleep throughout almost this entire week and you have to eat something."

I was not asleep last night, I was wide awake the entire time, plotting my revenge on Shizuo, Izaya-san and Erika-san and because I was awake the entire time last night, I slept the entire day today!~

[Name] immediately recognized who he was because Shizuo had told her all about the people he knew about, including Celty; speaking of her, she was also there looking at the drowsy [Name]. She typically had her yellow cat helmet on, but now that she didn't, [Name] had her first look on what the headless rider actually looked like, a rather curvy female body with smoke emitting from her neck in lieu to a head.

"Why hello there, the handsome Shinra and the gorgeous Celty," [Name] said in a lazy, get enthusiastic voice. The Dullahan and the doctor responded to this by looking at one another, the doctor's eyes slightly widened in shock and in confusion because they had never introduced themselves to [Name]; therefore it should have been the case that she didn't know who they were, but she did and this made Shinra give her a questioning look. Celty then typed frantically on a phone-like device and then displayed it in front of [Name]'s face, who was still lying on her back on the bed. [Name]'s eyes shifted from left to right on the device as the read the letters. She then chuckled slightly and then used her elbows as an aide to sit up. She ruffled her hair and then said, "How do I know your names? Well... I have my methods," she said with a sneer which immediately made Celty think of Izaya, the one who knew of everyone without them needing to introduce themselves and the one who always smirked.

"Well then, all things aside, I think you should eat [Name]," Shinra said, offering the plate of sushi to her, "Oh and, Shizuo told us your name and also that you've pissed him off, which was very unwise. You shouldn't purposely make him angry you know, you being said as his very close childhood friend and such; you're supposed to understand his temper." [Name] took the sushi and began dipping one piece of it in the wasabi to the corner of the plate. "I do know of his bad temper," she said in a jolly voice, "But I really enjoy making him angry, its fun running away from him, almost like playing tag." This statement reminded Celty even more of Izaya, as she typed on her device and then showed it to [Name], "Playing tag can't sent you to the hospital. This isn't the hospital but it is something similar. You should be more careful; you could get seriously injured." "You shouldn't underestimate my abilities, Celty," [Name] replied rather disappointed, "Shizuo have thrown many things at me and I merely dodged them and even if they did hit me, they'd never do anything crucial to me. It happened only this time, because it was a bus and he threw it harder than I thought. I guess it's best for me and Izaya-san to test him, so that scientists and such can invest more on the studies of his temper. People typically see him as a beast and that's bad, I mean, they barely even know Shizuo! People should always see the positive side of things, like I do."

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